“A Day in the Life” with Toronto filmmaker and journalist Leora Eisen

To me, Leora Eisen’s long, award-winning career can be summed up quite simply: Leora champions stories that need to be told.

From her early days as a story editor on Canada AM to starting her own production company, she has always managed to find the unexplored angle and focus on empathy. Her films make audiences laugh and cry (often in the same breath) and challenge viewers to think differently about the world around them.

Leora’s films are clever and passionately researched. Despite her unmistakable fingerprint, Leora lets subjects speak for themselves about the issues that matter most to them. In each interview, it’s clear that the subject is speaking to a good listener and, more importantly, someone who cares.

-By Leora’s daughter Jaime

Back in the 80s (shoulder pads! feathered hair!) I had a gig interviewing movie stars
Back in the 80s (shoulder pads! feathered hair!) I had a gig interviewing
movie stars
I’m a big Toronto Raptors fan and treasure my cheesy fake championship ring.
I’m a big Toronto Raptors fan and treasure my cheesy fake championship ring.
Last year with my cinematographer friend Mike Grippo filming a remarkable paralyzed dog named Eddie.
Last year with my cinematographer friend Mike Grippo filming a remarkable
paralyzed dog named Eddie.
Leora Eisen with her rescue cat WILLY
Leora Eisen with her rescue cat WILLY
This is me with my identical twin Linda who passed away from leukaemia but will always be my soulmate
This is me with my identical twin Linda who passed away from leukaemia but will always be my soulmate
This is my happy place
This is my happy place
This pic of my grown up daughters when they were little brings me joy every day
This pic of my grown up daughters when they were little brings me joy every
When I travel for work and get a rare afternoon off, one of my favourite things to do is explore a new city and its street art. This is from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
When I travel for work and get a rare afternoon off, one of my favourite things to do is explore a new city and its street art.
This is from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

What ‘hood are you in?

I live in North York. I was born here and never left!

What do you do?

I’m a filmmaker and journalist who loves to tell stories. I direct, produce and write long-form documentaries.

What are you currently working on?

I have just finished “Rescuing Rex” (www.rescuingrex.com), a feature length documentary about dog rescue. Canada has become a haven for homeless dogs from around the world. We followed some incredible dogs and the volunteers who rescued them from Texas and Taiwan to Toronto.

Where can we find your work?

Rescuing Rex debuts Sat May 30 9 pm on TVO and tvo.org

Other documentaries I have directed can be found on CBC and several platforms around the world.



About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography