We could all use a laugh right now. This week we spoke with comedy duo Syd and Eli who star in “Gender? I Hardly Know Them” to find out more about what they are doing and where we can catch their next show.

How would you describe your comedy style?
A smorgasbord of the political, surreal, raunchy and ridiculous.
Who are some of your influences?
Nanette, Baroness Von Sketch, Tim Robinson’s I Think You Should Leave, Portlandia.
Who was your favourite comedian growing up?
Syd – Wanda Sykes.
Eli – The Bat from Ferngully.
Who is your favourite comedian now?
Syd – Jenny Slate or Ilana Glazer.
Eli – I reference Tim Robinson once a day.
What is your pre-show ritual?
Eli – Hour-long stretch and vocal warm-up, a line-run on a walk outside by myself, a line-run with Syd. Trying to avoid any chores that will stress or bum me out. Meditate.
Syd – Poop out my pre-show nerves.
What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?
Syd – In venues that are really intimate so I can see the audience and play with them.
Eli – Our opening at the Edmonton Fringe Festival, where we performed for a roomful of supportive other queers.
What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?
Eli – The Netflix and Twitter.
Syd – I like to listen to podcasts or shows by women and/or other queer people that I like, then hear their recommendations. (Ex. The podcast “Put Your Hands Together”).

Do you have anything to promote right now?
Syd – We recently filmed a Storyhive-funded pilot episode of Gender? I Hardly Know Them (The Web Series) that’s currently in post-production!
Where can we follow you?
Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?
Syd – Joleen Ballendine is an artist I looked up to the entire time I was growing up and the fact I get to work with her now is a huge deal.
Eli – Rob Baker and Sunny Drake have been helping us with our script for the web series and both of them are equal parts funny, fun, + full of wisdom.
Tell us a joke.
By coming to Toronto for Sketchfest, Syd and Eli have cut Edmonton’s queer population in half.