“A Day in the Life” with dance artist Sebastien Provencher

A Montreal-based dance artist, Sebastien Provencher is first and foremost a genuinely good human being, which does not make him any less critical and astute in his choreographic work. He has the capacity of welcoming artists in his creative research with a lot of respect and enthusiasm, while offering a sharp gaze at current social and aesthetic issues. Whether in a site specific or stage context, he addresses questions around gender, equity, diversity, freedom of movement and speech, through a highly physical and sophisticated dance vocabulary. As a performer and a choreographer, Sebastien provokes the audiences’ kinesthetic empathy with his strong and generous artistic voice.

Since 2017, he has been touring his work Children of Chemistry in Canada for over 40 representations. He collaborates with Priscilla Guy for the piece Two Skeletons (Agora de la danse, MTL / 2019), Julia B. Laperrière for What Will Come (Made in Potsdam Festival, Potsdam / 2020) and Mathieu Leroux for Bones & Wires (Tangente, MTL / 2020).

He regularly performs in other choreographers’ work, notably Helen Simard and Louise Bédard, based in Montreal and Marie Lambin, Social Growl Dance and DA Hoskins/Dietrich Group in Toronto. Sebastien is also Jury for Danses Buissonnières at Tangente since 2017. He is a guest member of Lorganisme since 2020.

Written by his friend and artist, Priscilla Guy

Sebastien Provencher
This photo was taken last summer by my friend Alkarim Jadavji in Toronto, before going to a dance rehearsal with Dietrich Group/DA Hoskins.
Me and my good friend and co-creator Julia B. Laperrière in Berlin, during my residency at Fabrik Potsdam. We were working on the piece What Will Come, that just premiered at the Festival Made in Potsdam in January 2020. The show will premiere in Montreal in fall 2020.
My little tiger, my beautiful cat, Françoise, that has been part of the family for the last two years.
Me and my partner, Maurice. This photo was taken to my cottage in Saint-André de Kamouraska, about 4:30 east of Montreal, probably one of the most beautiful views and sunsets in Quebec.
I took this photo at Percé last summer, during a tour of my piece Children of Chemistry (that is presented at the Citadel in February in Toronto). The Gaspésie is another beautiful spot to visit in the Quebec’s province.
Sebastien Provencher
A photo taken by David Wong at the exposition Bienvenue chez moi, petite Malgache-Chinoise of my good friend and amazing artist Claudia Chan Tak. Art takes a really important place in my life, I probably see a show almost every week.
Sebastien Provencher
Sunset at Pakuashipu, an Innu community on the Quebec lower North Shore where I get to work a week per month as an occupational therapist. Working in that community is a privilege and an honour. We have so much to learn from Indigenous people.
A photo from the amazing photographer Susan Moss at the show Requiem Pop, a show from Helen Simard, the last show on a trilogy inspired by Iggy Pop, that premiered at l’Agora de la danse in March 2019. Helen is a friend, collaborator and an amazing choreographer that I’ve been able to work with for the last 7 years.


What Montreal ‘hood are you in?

I just moved to Plateau Mont-Royal in January, but I lived in Rosemont for almost 4 years, a neighboorhood that I love and one of the most “green neighbourhoods” in Montreal.

What do you do?

I am a freelancer, performer and a choreographer in contemporary dance, mostly in Montreal, but also sometimes in Toronto. I recently joined the company Lorganisme in January 2020, a structure for independent choreographers.

I also work a few weeks per year as an occupational therapist with children in Pakuashipi, an Innu community in Quebec lower North Shore (Basse Côte-Nord).

What are you currently working on? 

I am working on two different productions, two co-creations that will be presented in Montreal in 2020.

“Bones & Wires”, co-created with Mathieu Leroux, will premiere from March 19-22 at Tangente. The piece is a meeting of two solos within a single space and time. One focuses on the genesis of an individual and the other on extreme technology and fixation of the future. It is a multidisciplinary production that combines text, movement and scenography.

“What Will Come” is the other piece that I am currently working on, created with Julia B. Laperrière, a Canadian artist now based in Berlin. The piece has been performed in December 2019 at the Festival Made in Potsdam, in Germany. It will premiere in Montreal next fall.

Where can we find your work

At The Citadel, at Parliament and Dundas! My piece “Children of Chemistry” makes its Toronto debut from Feb. 20-22 through Citadel + Compagnie’s Bright Nights series.

Information about my work and my calendar at lorganisme.com and at provenchersebastien.com



About Joel Levy 2625 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography