Homegrown Business: StreetDog Marketing for Pet Based Businesses

Stephanie Dumont is the founder of a unique pet focussed marketing agency named Streetdog Marketing. After discovering a gap in the marketplace for pet based businesses, Dumont set out to start one of her own, using her passion for animals as a driving force. We spoke with Stephanie about her company and how it works.

streetdog marketing

What is your business called and what does it do?

My business is StreetDog Marketing. It’s a pet focused marketing agency helping pet businesses in Canada flourish. I saw a definite gap in the market and a need for a marketing agency that was focused on helping Canadian businesses in the Pet Industry. There are so many fantastic Canadian products & services on the market and a lot of struggling businesses so, I took the plunge and set up StreetDog Marketing.

What made you want to do this work?

My love for pets, especially dogs, is such a big part of my life! They inspire me every day with their happiness and unconditional love. I truly believe that pets are continually showing us how to appreciate the simpler things in life, which is quite possibly the best gift of all. Being able to help businesses that cater to pets and pet parents just made sense.

What problem does this solve?

As pet experts, we have a grasp on the important things that bigger, broader agencies may not. As a smaller team, we proudly dedicate time to listen and develop individual marketing strategies to help each client. It’s these little differences that set StreetDog Marketing apart from the crowd. We take the stress away from owners – who have an already overflowing plate of priorities.

Who are your clientele/demographics?

Our clientele are from a variety of different backgrounds. From pet retailers & product manufacturers to doggy daycare & trainers, to veterinarians, bloggers and, even groomers – we really to help all pet focussed businesses. Our passion is pets and our clients definitely share that passion.

How does your business make money? How does it work?

We have built a great, easy to navigate website that showcases the variety of packages that we offer. We understand every business is different, so having a range of options of our services help pet businesses understand their individual needs – and how we can help. Once a client has chosen the perfect package, we offer a complimentary phone consultation. During the consultation we get a better understanding of the business and put a plan in place of where we will start.

Where in Toronto can we find your profession?

We are located in the West end of Toronto. We absolutely love Toronto and couldn’t ask for a better city to house our agency. We are mobile and if we are given the opportunity, we love to meet business owners in person. And, of course you will find us online at streetdog.ca.

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when
comparing services?

People always want to know how we can make a positive impact on their business within the pet industry. We understand the hesitation when putting trust into an agency to help their pet business. We always say that the hardest part is actually getting started.

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

The best thing is definitely that we’re all passionate pet owners first, – we get to surround ourselves with likeminded, creative, driven individuals. We get to help businesses with that added boost. We want to see great pet products and services succeed – so we work hard to make that happen.

The worst thing is actually realizing that we didn’t come up with the great, innovative ideas that our clients have.

What is your favourite joke about your own profession?

What happens when it rains cats and dogs? You can step in a poodle.

PAY IT FORWARD: What is another Toronto business that you love?

There are so many pet businesses that we love, especially since they are home grown. Happy Furry Feet is a local pet photographer who over the last couple of years has volunteered time helping to photograph hundreds of shelter dogs in hopes their exposure could help get them adopted.





About Joel Levy 2602 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography