“A Day in the Life” with Toronto actor Stephen Tracey

Stephen Tracey is a phenomenal actor, writer, illustrator, photographer and model. What can’t he do, you ask? Literally nothing.

Stephen Tracey was born and raised in the province of Alberta. Most of his childhood was spent on his family’s farm- where he formed a devoted love for animals. Still to this day, Stephen carries the grace, beauty and temperament of his kindred spirit- the horse.

Stephen began his creative career with a fine arts program in high school (Victoria School of The Arts) -focusing on illustrations. Today he is an incredible artist-mostly drawing exquisitely detailed sketches. His ability to capture nature’s beauty through art doesn’t stop there. Stephen is also an established photographer. If you ever need gorgeous headshots, performance shots or candid shots of just being a human-hit him up.

During his exploration of the fine arts, Stephen seamlessly transitioned into performing arts. He is a graduate of The National Theatre School of Canada and has worked professionally in Toronto for the last four years landing some staple roles in tv/film in such shows as Quantico (ABC); Reign (CW); and most currently the new Netflix series Anne With An E as recurring character Mr. Phillips.

Not only does Stephen Tracey have such an eye for the world’s beauty, he is also a beauty himself. He is a well known model in Toronto and has graced the runway at Toronto Men’s Fashion Week many times while earning several nominations (always a bridesmaid) for “Model of the Season”. He has also appeared in many magazines such as: IN, Adon, Wedding Star, JÕN, Huff, Elegant Wedding, Vogue Italia, Volant, and A Book Of.

His modelling career gained quite the attention of his fans from “Anne With An E” which lead to a buzzfeed article- commenting on the transformation from “creepy” school teacher to his attractive modelling photos online. The humorous article gained so much popularity that ET Canada interviewed him about the piece and the show.

Through his work on screen- Stephen Tracey has become an influencer on social media. He has been an advocate for inclusivity in the arts and in the world beyond. Stephen is world curious- travelling to remote areas whenever he can in order to immerse and educate himself in culture around the globe.

A new endeavour to Stephen’s creative outlet is writing. Stephen has an immense love for literature and story telling. He is currently in the works of creating 2 screenplays simultaneously that focus on inclusivity and the poetic beauty of human kind. Both heartfelt and both hilarious.

Oh yeah-did I mention Stephen is also so charmingly funny and it is reflected in everything he puts into the universe.

Well now you know.

-Written by his soulmate/sister/mother/lover (primarily best friend) Nikki Duval.

Stephen Tracey - What instagram thinks I'm like.
1. What instagram thinks I’m like.
2. Vs. what I'm actually like. With the amazing company of the upcoming production of GA Ting Aaron Jan Richard Tse & Loretta Yu
2. Vs. what I’m actually like. With the amazing company of the upcoming production of GA Ting Aaron Jan Richard Tse & Loretta Yu
3. My favourite place on earth during my favourite time of year. Athabasca is north enough in Alberta that in the summer the sun doesn't always fully set but it remains dark enough to see the northern lights. (Photo by me)
3. My favourite place on earth during my favourite time of year. Athabasca is north enough in Alberta that in the summer the sun doesn’t always fully set but it remains dark enough to see the northern lights. (Photo by me)
4. Speaking of the north,
4. Speaking of the north, I had the opportunity to visit Iqaluit, Nunavut this year. The generosity of the community was overwhelming and the beauty of the landscape was humbling but it also allowed me to question my own identity and the unintentional perpetuation of a settler mentality. What it means to be a man and white and the privilege that comes along with it. Discovering humility in my mindset vs the history of the world and learning to acknowledge that so I can help move it in a better direction, following the kindness of the people I met up there.
5. Being in places with people you love. Big or small. Near or far.
5. Being in places with people you love. Big or small. Near or far.
6. Creepy Teacher (does community theatre)
6. Creepy Teacher (does community theatre)
7. Because the fashion world is usually exactly how you imagine it to be.
7. Because the fashion world is usually exactly how you imagine it to be.
8. But most of the time I’m here, in an apartment that isn’t mine, eating food that doesn’t belong to me, laughing, crying, prepping for auditions and everything else in between. (With CBC’s Workin Moms star/Bio writer/bestfriend Nikki Duval)


What hood are you in?

Yonge and St.Clair. My building is essentially a geriatrics ward. It’s clean, quiet and all of the elderly people complain to management to get things fixed so I don’t have to. But they also host tea parties and give away their fancy furniture. Win. Win. Win.

What do you do?

Primarily an actor. I model here and there. Sometimes I jump on the other side of the lens. And if not that, I’ll doodle. Or I’m at Swiss Chalet.

What are you currently working on?

GA Ting by Minh Ly, at Factory for the upcoming Next Stage Festival. The story follows a middle aged, immigrant Chinese couple (Loretta Yu & Richard Tse) meeting their son’s same sex partner for the first time after their only child’s accidental death. Directed by Aaron Jan and playing in January 2019.

Where can we find your work?

Check out Anne With An E (seasons 1 & 2) on Netflix or stream it on CBC.




About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography