“Five Minutes With” Tamil Hip Hop group All Mixed Up

Name: All Mixed Up
Genre: Tamil/HipHop
Founded: March 2017
# of Albums: Currently work on first EP
Latest Release: Tamil Trap

Latest Video


AllMixedup (AMU) is a HipHop/Tamil band from Toronto created by Question416 and Geerthanan (Geeth). Their music embodies their cultural heritage as well their current urban environment. Question416 is a rapper that brings creative and intricate wordplay. Geeth is a singer that adds melody with a wide range of singing styles. As their name suggests, their music is “All Mixed Up”. We are also gaining huge traction in the European and Malaysian markets and were recently featured in a CBC Arts article. Currently we are working on shooting a music video for our latest hit “Ice Wata” which was received extremely well when debuted at KothuFest which was held at the Dundas Square. A EP release show is also in the works.

Latest Single:

Ice Wata to be released shortly

Favourite Restaurant:

Geeth : Nathas Caters – Sri Lankan local restaurant by Kipling and Steels
Question416 : Hakka Chinese

Favourite band/Artist as a teenager?

Geeth : Tu Pac and Eminem (was inspired by both to create his own music)
Question416 : Tu Pac and Nas

Favourite band/Artist now:

Geeth : J Cole, Drake
Question416 : J Cole, Kanye West

Guilty Pleasure Song:

Geeth : Its getting hot in here (Nelly), Wonderwall (Oasis )
Question416 : Back that ass up (hot Boyz), Excuse Me Miss (Jayz)

Live Show Ritual:

Geeth : No ritual
Question416 : No Ritual

Favourite local artist:

Geeth : Michael Mazze
Question416 : Killy

Sneaky Dees nachos, pasta from Terroni or a superfood salad from Fresh?

Sneaky Dees nachos

Queen or College St?


All Mixed Up

Trinity Bellwoods or Highpark, Riverdale or Kew Gardens?

Trinity Bellwoods

EP or LP?


Early bird or night owl?

Night owl

Road or studio?

Studio is where most creative happens, road the energy

Swiss Chalet or Roti?


Where can we follow you?

IG : https://www.instagram.com/allmixedupmusic
FB : https://www.facebook.com/all.mixedup.904
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AllMixedUp4
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUDh4JGqTSUIuY8K5R2q57A

Any shows or albums coming up?

Ep release show scheduled for early-mid October, more details on our social media platforms as the dates get closer.



About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography