Toronto’s Biggest Singles Event of 2018

Throughout March, it can be hard to shrug off the depressing reality that the most romantic day of the year has come and gone, and you’re still single. This realization only hits home when you’re knee deep in a tub of Ben and Jerry’s asking yourself why the cute guy from the office isn’t banging down your door, begging for a date. Well no worries, singletons, The Inner Circle are on hand to help you put the ice cream down and pick up the LBD to get you back into the full swing of single life.

Singles Event Toronto

Go for zeal, go for zest, and banish banal conversation to lesser gatherings. Professional and switched-on singles are the crowd you’re after to tick these boxes – and you’re in luck because The Inner Circle are hosting the sexiest singles event which is actually worth the hangover.

So, if you’re in the market for making March the hottest month in your calendar, why not join us for the ultimate singles event? Guaranteed to be the only dating event with more fun and rum than the rest of Canada combined, the scent of pummelled leather will doubtlessly get pulses racing faster than the bubbles in the ice-cold champagne.

Come and be seduced by the laid-back, yet elegant vibes of the top secret location for The Inner Circle’s Toronto launch, surrounded by Hollywood’s trendiest crowds. The exclusive and unique location will blend New York’s sparkle with the al fresco feeling of Toronto. Join us for tailored cocktails, lavish surroundings and the company of 100 of Toronto’s elite singles.

It’s fresh, it’s exciting, and with such an elite gathering of fresh, fun singletons, it’s guaranteed to stop you feeling as though the dog days of February have got the better of your dating life.

Get your tickets at The Inner Circle by registering for free today.



About Joel Levy 2616 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography