Release Pressure With Second City’s Party Today, Panic Tomorrow

Party Today, Panic Tomorrow Exposes Worst Fears

The Second City’s all-new comedy revue, Party Today, Panic Tomorrow, taps into the dilemma of wanting a good and easy life with sketches that portray what is really happening below the surface  – anxiety, anger and fear. It’s all really funny of course! This show is an affirmation that you are not really a bad person; you just need permission to laugh at all the things that cause you grief.

Party Today, Panic Tomorrow maybe solve your problems with a dance-off!
Party Today, Panic Tomorrow maybe solve your problems with a dance-off!

Party Today, Panic Tomorrow tackles the anxiety of using Toronto bike lanes, the fear of never owning your dream house in the city, and how pissed off spin class makes you feel. The show also gives permission to laugh at real life things that you probably shouldn’t find funny. Like our collective human obsession with stupid animal videos on YouTube (when we really should be reading up about climate change and news from Syria). Party Today, Panic Tomorrow guarantees to release your most uncomfortable emotions with laughter.

To combat the worst of our collective panic, the show does get a bit surreal. One sketch has a young woman taking life advice from a giant talking banana. Another delivers a creepy giant spider…maybe someone you know. And another of the show highlights, a game show called WOLVES! Bananas good, wolves bad! LOL!

Party Today, Panic Tomorrow will release your emotionally pressure valve with laughter.
Party Today, Panic Tomorrow will release your emotionally pressure valve with laughter.

The sketch everyone in Toronto can appreciate…an almost painful to watch dissection of a trip to your local Wine Rack. Even as a comic bit, this sketch still manages to induce all the anxiety, pain and frustration one feels when shopping at a Wine Rack – any Wine Rack. This is truly universal pain made so real that it forces you to crack up. Just like wine, humour releases the pressure.

The cast is terrific and give the show so much energy. This time around our hot fire emoji goes to the super hilarious Colin Munch! He really got some of the best characters in this current show: cool kid Lex, The Spider, and a popular YouTube personality. Munch is an award-winning comedian, writer, director and actor. He is a member of Uncalled For, and one of the founders of Sex T-Rex.

Party Today, Panic Tomorrow written and performed by Ann Pornel, Nadine Djoury, Allana Reoch, Brandon Hackett, Devon Hyland and Colin Munch. Thank you all for the non-stop laughs ~ was a great opening night!

Don’t miss this show! Party Today, Panic Tomorrow runs until December 2017. Come on, isn’t everyone suffering from political exhaustion – have a laugh, or a dance-off (hint, hint)! You are not a bad person if you laugh during this show!


How The Second City creates new shows!

The Second City format is a two-act revue, that is mostly scripted, followed by a third act of improvisation. Shows are written and rehearsed by the cast over a period of about ten weeks. Over the rehearsal process, new material generated from the improv set is incorporated into the scripted show. Themes begin to develop and the actors and directors craft the scenes into the brand new production.

For Second City Toronto shows & tickets please visit:

Improv & sketch comedy theatre and bar with nightly shows, located at 51 Mercer St, Toronto.

Tues – Thur @ 8pm • Fri & Sat @ 7:30pm & 10pm • Sun @ 7:30pm

Tickets starting at $26



About Sonja Andic 66 Articles
Covers lifestyle, art, culture, entertainment, music, travel and city events for Toronto Guardian. A strategic communicator, popularity creator and social connector with a diverse portfolio of accomplishments.