Donate Warm Clothing for The Lennie Project

The Lennie Project is once again collecting sweaters, mittens and even yarn so that they can donate warm clothing to those in need in Toronto.

the lennie project to donate warm clothing in Toronto

The donations are taken apart and remade into fleece-lined hats and neck-warmers which are then distributed to various shelters, drop-ins, hospitals, churches and social service agencies. The items are created through several Sewcials and make & donate events that TLP runs over the winter months.

In its inaugural year last year, TLP made and donated 1100 articles of clothing. This year, they hope to make it 2000.

Donate Warm Clothing for The Lennie Project until the end of January at The Artists Newsstand at Chester Subway station for an easy drop off.


– Warm Winter-Weight Sweaters (wool is ideal)
– Polar Fleece (to be used as lining)
– Volunteers interested in craftivism who have Sewing Skills & or Time/Cars to help with Drop-Offs
– Your help spreading the word…even if you can’t donate a sweater, please indicate that you’re ‘Interested’ in this event or share it (to help spread the word). Thanx!

Please contact Nathalie-Roze of Nathalie-Roze & Co. at or via her facebook page if you’d like to be involved or have any questions.



About Joel Levy 2619 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography