The Lennie Project – Sweater Drive

Lennie Project

Accessories and Fashions designer Nathalie-Roze is running a Make & Donate sweater drive as part of The Lennie Project which was created in the memory of a her big-hearted uncle Lennie who passed away from cancer last year. The foundation believes in Deliberate Acts of Kindness aimed at helping Toronto’s most vulnerable.

People can contribute sweaters & or volunteer to help cut & sew new Toques and Neck-Warmers that are donated to local shelters & homeless programs.

These are the locations which you can donate your old sweaters and knitted items.

1. Lady Marmalade Restaurant (898 Queen Street East)
2. Pippins Tea Shop (2098 Queen Street East)
3. Beadle – indie boutique (1582 Dundas Street West)
4. The Centre for Social Innovation (720 Bathurst St.)
5. Common Sort (1414 Queen West)
6. The Purple Purl (1162 Queen St. East)

+ Accepting donation at the Leslieville Flea (Sunday, Jan.18th) at
the Distillery, 10am to 5pm

Lennie Project
Nathalie-Roze Toques Photo by Chloe Norman

Donated sweaters – ideally, cozy/gently used wool sweaters – will be chopped up and made into winter gear, then donated to local shelters & homeless programs to help keep Toronto’s homeless a little warmer this Winter.

If people are interested, they can contact Nathalie-Roze at OR
on Twitter @NRandCo or via her Facebook page.


About Joel Levy 2625 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography