I’m not sure if this will even do justice to sum up the force that is in Kim Roberts. I first met Kim on a random warm night 7 years ago, I had no idea where to begin or how to break into the acting business. I heard an actor lived in that house there and I literally knocked on her door on a whim not sure what to do if she answered. She answered and gave me her time, her knowledge and her encouragement. Every time I see Kim it’s always a burst of sunshine. Her smile is just what I need whenever I’m down about the uncertain acting industry or just having a bad day. I remember the first time I got to walk on a set was when Kim invited me to a film she was working on and getting to see her light up the entire set with her contagious laugh made me feel so honoured that I could call her a friend. Anytime I meet new people on sets our conversations often end up with us professing how much we love and adore Kim as most people I’ve met have had their hearts touched by her in some way. Kim’s extensive work in the TV/Film/Theatre worlds has solidified her as a legend already, and she is still building her legacy. I owe Kim a lot but I’m sure she will say I never have to pay. And for what it’s worth Kim makes the best Lobster Roll in all of Canada and I stand by that statement.
-Written by Carlisle J Williams, friend

Which ‘hood are you in?
Oakwood and Vaughan
What do you do?
I am an actor
What are you currently working on?
I’m in Paw Patrol the Mighty Movie. I play Mayor Goodway in the movie and in the continuing television series. I play Alice, in The Changeling, currently streaming on Apple TV. And I’m working on a new play that will debut at Stratford.
Where can we find your work?
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