5 Tips for Starting Your BodyBuilding Journey

Every beginning can be challenging, and it is no different if you’re trying to get into bodybuilding. Before going to the gym, you should determine the motivation behind starting training. Some people are trying to get fit, others would like to improve their physique to attract others, and there are ambitious individuals seeking bodybuilding careers. Whatever the motivation, a few steps can help you get off the ground floor.

Body Builder back photo
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Set up goals

Creating an obtainable goal is a great start. Progress is gradual in every sport, and setting realistic expectations will increase your chances of success. Enroll in the gym and find an expert to create a perfect training plan.

Workout plan

In the beginning, it is essential that you don’t train every day. You should start with three or four workouts weekly and have enough rest time between visiting the gym. It would be unrealistic and wrong to try and bulk up quickly. Remember, take the gradual approach. You can start with basic workouts for each part of your body and do one or two exercises with a couple of sets of 10 repetitions for the body part. Include exercise for the back, arms, legs, and abs, and finish with 15-30 minutes of cardio exercise.

When you reach a fitness level, you can add another training day. Usually, you can include more days, exercises, or reps into your routine. But, again, consult trainers and make a varied exercise plan for more variety.

Diet and supplements

Rigorous training won’t be as successful if you continue to eat bad food. For starters, reduce carbohydrates, and remove sugar and white flour products from your diet. Increase protein intake and the number of meals. Consult a nutritionist to create a comprehensive meal plan. 

You will have to use supplements for more significant gains in the gym. For example, if you make a Google search with the term “buy steroid Canada” you’ll find sites that sell protein shakes and other high-quality supplements to increase muscle growth and recovery.

Quality food and supplements are essential if you want to commit seriously to bodybuilding. Of course, you can have one cheat day, but overall working out and changing your physique is a lifestyle.

Sleep and rest

Empty spaces are part of the design. Similarly, resting is part of a quality workout plan. It would be best to allow your body to recover from an intensive workout to gain meaningful progress. 

Sleep is like diet; a critical part of the workout process. The best way is to set a sleeping routine to help muscle recovery and overall fitness.


Discipline is probably the most crucial trait you must embrace for sustained gym success. Working out in the gym can be repetitive, even if you change the exercises regularly. However, staying on the course is essential; if you repeat and stay disciplined, the results will come sooner than later. 

When you experience noticeable results, all the effort from the diet, sleeping routine, and workout will make more sense, subsequently improving your motivation. Consistency is essential to stay in shape and on the body building journey.



About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography