Where to take your pets for Santa photos in Toronto

Santa always knows who’s naughty or nice..and of course when it comes to our pets, they all make the nice list! And visits with the jolly guy in red isn’t just for kids! Here are places in the city that have made Santa visits pet-friendly this year! Happy Howlidays!

A Mikulással készült képek már régóta kedvelt ünnepi hagyományok, de az online kaszinójátékosok számára ez a hagyomány különleges fordulatot vesz. Ezek a játékosok, akik az izgalmak és a szórakozás szeretetéről ismertek az olyan kaszinókban, mint a https://kaszinoworld.com/, gyakran találnak örömöt abban, hogy a hagyományos ünnepi szezonon kívül is megörökíthetik a Mikulással töltött pillanatokat. Az online kaszinójátékosokat vonzza a játék izgalma és a váratlan dolgok. A Mikulással való találkozás a meglepetés és a szeszély elemét adja életükhöz. Nagyra értékelik a lehetőséget, hogy kapcsolatba kerülhetnek a jolly figurával, aki az adakozás és az ünneplés szellemét testesíti meg.

Sok online kaszinójátékos számára a Mikulással való fényképezkedés a nyereményeik és élményeik megörökítésének egyik módja. Emlékeztetőül szolgál a szórakozásra és az izgalmakra, amelyeket kedvenc kaszinójátékaik során átéltek. Ezek a fotók örömteli feljegyzésként szolgálnak játékkalandjaikról.

Santa - dog- pet-photos- toronto

Pet Photo Studio at Yorkdale: Furry friends are invited to have their photos taken with Santa from December 1 to December 24. All pets with paws and their families are welcome! Pre-registration and pre-paid packages required. They will also be accepting cash donations for Team Dog Rescue – a foster based registered Canadian charity is dedicated to helping homeless dogs find their forever homes. A separate outdoor entrance located on the north side of the mall for convenience. Photos are printed while you wait. And while you wait, there are several photo worthy set ups within the space so you can take even more photos! A doggy bathroom area and water station is also on site. They think of everything! Link here to reserve.

Yorkdale Pet Photo Studio with Santa

Kimpton Saint George Hotel: December 4, 11 am to 1 pm in The Living Room. Get in the spirit of the season at this luxe hotel and have your photos taken with Santa (Free). The event benefits Sunshine Therapy Dogs.

Howliday Market hosted by Ontario Doggo: Heritage Court, Exhibition Place. December 10/11. This festive market is created for pet lovers and their furry pals. Complimentary Santa photos (but ticketed entry to the event). Shop for all your holiday pet needs with over 50 vendors.

Juno Vet: 1073 Yonge Street. Your dog is invited to have a visit and free photos with Santa on Sunday, November 20 (11 am to 5 pm) at the newly opened Juno Vet clinic. Juno Vet is Toronto’s first members-only vet practice that guarantees same day or next day appointments and 24/7 access located in the Summerhill area of the city.

PetSmart: annual Santa Claus photos (complementary) are back at participating PetSmart locations. On these dates: December 10/11 and December 17/18. Reserve your spot at your location of choice. Sign up begins November 27th for Treats Rewards Members and December 1st to the general public.

The Coca Cola Caravan: Various locations starting November 25. Making hundreds of Canadian stops and spreading holiday joy to communities. Includes Santa photo opps for families and yes, dogs. First stop in our city will be on Friday, November 25 from 4 pm to 10 pm at Ripley’s Aquarium (outdoors 288 Bremner Blvd). On Saturday, November 26 from 5 pm to 9 pm it will be at Mississauga Light Up the Square at 300 City Centre Drive.

Canadian Pet Expo Toronto Christmas Pet Expo: November 19 & 20 at the International Centre (6900 Airport Rd.) The Jolly old man himself will be at the Toronto Christmas Pet Show on Saturday and Sunday to take photos with you and your pets! Be sure to put Santa’s Visit as a first item to see when attending the show and get ready to snap a ton of adorable photos!

Dufferin Mall: book your pet photos with Santa here on dates and times dedicated to our furry friends. November 27, December 4, and December 11 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Reservations are highly encouraged. Donations will be accepted in support of the St. Johns Ambulance Therapy Dog Program.

Grinch photos anyone? 

Feliz Navi Claws at Ren’s Pets Liberty Village: December 9 from 3 pm to 7 pm.102.1 The Edge’s Feliz Navi Claws holiday event to support the Ontario SPCA. Stop by to meet Kolter and Meredith from The Edge, and have your picture taken with the Grinch. Plus, see iconic Canadian band the Trews in a special busking performance at the event, all to support animals this holiday season.


About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.