Shinrin-yoku or forest-bathing is good for your overall wellness

Based on ancient Shinto and Buddhist practices, the ancient Japanese principle of forest bathing (Shinrin-yoku) is about spending time in nature to feed our bodies and souls.

Nature mazda - Shinrin-yoku

At a recent event at Whispering Springs wilderness retreat and glamping getaway in Northumberland County, media were introduced to Mazda Canada’s new partnership with ParticipACTION through the Mazda CX-50 Minute Challenge (three 50-minute sessions in nature a week) for the month of August 2022. Those who wish to participate can sign up through the ParticpACTION app with chances to win over $30,000 in prizes.

The activation also showcased the new Mazda CX-50 (hence 50- minute challenge) which they promote as a way to get you to your nature destination.

Mazda CX-50

According to a study by Mazda Canada, 62% of Millennials reported spending time in nature reduced their stress, but 51% reported spending fewer than 30 minutes in nature per day. The health benefits of spending time in nature include better sleep, improved moods, a decrease in resting heart rate and a more balanced feeling overall.

Other results from the study include:

• 56% of Millennials feel they do not have enough time in their day to recharge.

• 90% of Millennials want to spend more time in nature.

• 44% of Millennials report sleeping better after spending time in nature.

• 54% of Millennials were more positive throughout the day after spending time in nature.

If you are interested in getting involved, you can download the app today through Google Play or the App Store. On the ParticipACTION app home screen, look for the “join a challenge” button and tap on it, then navigate through the prompts to sign up! ParticipACTION will award challenge winners with gift cards to outdoor gear and outfitting brands, such as Sporting Life and Atmosphere, with a grand prize of two $5,000 gift cards from Mountain Equipment Co-op.

More information can also be found on the Mazda Canada website.



About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography