I don’t think you will ever meet a more colourful human – inside and out. Jacquie’s life and entire world revolves around colour.
Colour has been a key part of her life, her upbringing growing up in Panama, from the way she dresses, to her lifestyle, to her daily life and mindfulness, and mental health practices, she embodies and consciously surrounds herself with colour.
She is a light-worker, a colourist extraordinaire, bringing colour psychology and vibrancy to unexpected spaces, creating large-scale installations of colour, that encourage self-reflection and mindfulness.
In the fall of 2020, Jacquie began production for a colour installation on Dupont and Dufferin.
At 7.5 months pregnant and with a big belly, given the green light by her birth team, Jacquie completed her last installation before becoming a mother. She described her experience as one of the toughest and most magical, creating art while her body creates life.
She dedicated the work the Renaissance of Mother Gaia to her son Maximus Cyan (You read right – Cyan after her favourite colour. Surprised?)
A year later, Jacquie returns to spreading colour, aiming to create a more colourful world for her son to grow up in.
-By Joel Boland – Partner

Bareket Kezwer and Monica Wickeler

Which ‘hood are you in?
Scarborough/ Whitby
What do you do?
I am a multidisciplinary artist with a bit of a colour obsession. My work centres on the psychology of colour and its effects on human emotion, a tool proven beneficial to mental health and wellness.
My work stands for colour as a tool for social impact.
What are you currently working on?
Working on several upcoming installations, including a colour installation called HEAL at the Distillery District, part of the campaign for HSBC called Business Plan for the Planet. An 8th story building for Mount Sinai Hospital in Downtown Toronto and some other large scale colour installations.
Where can we find your work?