Heineken is offering free haircuts and pints on a patio in Toronto!

As our city begins to ease up on restrictions, there’s one thing we have on the top of our list, well, actually two. One is to see our friends and family, and the other is to get a haircut!

In a recent survey by Heineken, 60% of Ontarians now have their sights on getting a professional haircut within the first month of Phase 2 easing of restrictions and 40% would actually be willing to give up hockey for a year just to get one!

Now that we can get back into salons and barbershops, some of us have tried securing a haircut appointment but still won’t be able to get in for a few more weeks — the waitlist is long!

So, what are we gonna do? Patience is a virtue, friends! OR you can check this out! Heineken is offering Torontonians a chance to score a professional haircut and a pint!

Heineken Fresh Looks is offering a unique outdoor salon experience that will provide access to both beer and barbers! From July 8 to 22, 2021. Yes! a FREE haircut and a pint!

The program is in partnership with Toronto’s hottest and largest patio destination with epic city views, RendezViews, and the popular Glassbox Barbershop that’s quickly become one of Canada’s most forward thinking hair companies with their modern approach to barbering.

While the word is already out and well, no surprise spots are filled but they are also offering opportunities for a few walk-ups (limited availability). For more details visit heinekenfreshlooks.ca.

(must be age of majority or older)

And that’s not all!


We’re excited to partner with Heineken for a GIVEAWAY! Reservations for haircuts have been snapped up fast. But Heineken Canada assures us that more are dropping soon, but we do have ONE VIP SLOT already secured. Enter for a chance to win a Heineken Fresh Looks VIP Package including a VIP Haircut AND $100 Gift Card for RendezViews (partnership between neighbouring restaurants, The Ballroom and The Fifth)– the summer patio destination for sports, movie nights and cultural programming.



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Good Luck! No purchase necessary. Must be age of majority to enter contest. Winner will be contacted directly via direct message. Prize must be accepted as awarded. No substitutions. Winner must also provide their own transportation to and from the venue.


*This content was sponsored by Heineken



About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.