For this Homegrown Business profile we spoke with Dana Clark, creator of the new human connection multiplayer card game Cool To Connect.

What is your business called and what does it do?
We have a deck of 52 cards to prompt connection and meaningful conversations among friends, family, strangers and lovers. Our cards can be used on date night, girls night, for family occasions, for team building/classroom experiences, as journaling/writing prompts, and of course, virtually!
What made you want to do this work?
I love all things connection! It was important for me to design something that I was looking for in my own life, and that I thought was incredibly relevant to our current worldly need for human connection.
What problem does this solve?
Cool To Connect solves the problem of us feeling disconnected from ourselves and others, especially during this unprecedented time in the world.
Who are your clientele/demographics?
People who want to ignite connections between humans to enhance our experience on earth.
How does your business make money? How does it work?
We are an e-commerce brand that sells our product direct to consumers.
Where in Toronto can we find your profession?
Online at
What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services? Give the answer as well.
Q: How is your brand different than other types of cards/connection cards?
A: We’re on a mission to elevate human experiences and conversations one connection at a time. All of our prompts have been specially designed to make you think in a broader, more introspective way, allowing you to see yourself and others in a different light.
What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?
Best Part: Talking about vulnerability and emotions.
Worst Part: The aftermath of talking about vulnerability and emotions, of course!
What is your favourite joke about your own profession?
We’re really on a mission to make connection cool again! We hope it’s working..
PAY IT FORWARD: What is another Toronto business that you love?