“A Day in the Life” with Actor, Writer and Director Jessica Huras

Like any multi-hyphenate worth their salt, Jessica Huras usually has a handful of projects cooking at the same time. When she’s not writing and producing, she’s honing her craft as an actor and training. When she’s not on set, she’s doing commercial voiceover sessions – these days conducted from the safety of her insulated closet. And when she’s not directing and starring in her own films, she’s breaking down ideas on color coded index cards on her office’s corkboard for her next project.

Always a self-starter, Huras grew up in St Jacob’s, Ontario. After dropping out of the Acting Conservatory at George Brown College, Huras founded her own Theatre Company called Heart in Hand, and gained national attention when she produced and co-starred in the Sam Shepard-Patti Smith play Cowboy Mouth with musician Jason Collett.

After a few years in theatre, she did stints on Being Erica, Gangland Undercover and Lost Girl, and then ventured around the US with her partner of 10 years. She lived between Austin, Texas and Los Angeles and spent time in New Mexico, where she produced and starred in the short Taos which won the Sante Fe Independent Film Festival jury award in 2019.

These days, she is firmly establishing herself as a filmmaker in Toronto, and has dedicated herself to expanding queer representation on screen. She is currently at work as co-director and co-writer on the feature film The Way Out, with her close collaborator Kathleen Munroe. This summer, the film had Babe Nation (White Lie, The Rest of Us) signing on as producers. Her debut short, Bing Bang Bi is premiering at Frameline Film Festival, and is accessible to anyone in California from Sept 17-27th. It’s also playing Inside Out Film Festival where the film is available to anyone living in Ontario during Oct 1-11th.

-Written by Sofia Banzhaf

This is my 6-months old puppy Ellis! Raising this little guy has been the most rewarding way to spend my summer. He’s definitely brought an abundance of love into our lives.
This is my 6-months old puppy Ellis! Raising this little guy has been the most rewarding way to spend my summer. He’s definitely brought an abundance of love into our lives.
A family portrait! My best friend and partner, Violca. After being together for many years, we eloped three years ago when we were living in Austin, Texas
A family portrait! My best friend and partner, Violca. After being together for many years, we eloped three years ago when we were living in Austin, Texas
At work with one of my writing partners, Kathleen Munroe. This was on a research trip in New Mexico where we also attended the Santa Fe Independent Film Festival.
At work with one of my writing partners, Kathleen Munroe. This was on a research trip in New Mexico where we also attended the Santa Fe Independent Film Festival.
This was on set of Murdoch Mysteries last summer. I absolutely love period pieces and love doing comedy, so this guest role was totally up my alley.
This was on set of Murdoch Mysteries last summer. I absolutely love period pieces and love doing comedy, so this guest role was totally up my alley.
This was between takes on my film set of Bing! Bang! Bi!
This was between takes on my film set of Bing! Bang! Bi!
A sneaky selfie from the sound booth. I’ve worked in commercial voice over for almost 15 years and absolutely love it.
A sneaky selfie from the sound booth. I’ve worked in commercial voice over for almost 15 years and absolutely love it.
 I became an auntie last Fall. This is my sweet niece Rose. Watching my sister become a mother has been such a joy for me and my family.
I became an auntie last Fall. This is my sweet niece Rose. Watching my sister become a mother has been such a joy for me and my family.
I can’t lie, I love food and wine! My best friend Mara is a winemaker in Sonoma and I grew up working in the service industry while pursuing my acting career which is where I met several of my lifelong friends.
I can’t lie, I love food and wine! My best friend Mara is a winemaker in Sonoma and I grew up working in the service industry while pursuing my acting career which is where I met several of my lifelong friends.

What ‘hood are you in?

Little Italy! Which is so nostalgic because I spent my early 20s growing up in this neighbourhood before moving to Vancouver for a bit, and then I lived in Roncesvalles and up near Dupont, before moving to Austin, Texas for almost 3 years. But now I’m back in my old hood and I love it!

What do you do?

I’m an actor and a filmmaker.

What are you currently working on?

My first feature film is in early development with a local production company and I’m developing a few other new projects. I’m also auditioning for film/tv and working in voice over.

Where can we find your work?

My first short film Bing! Bang! Bi! played virtually at Frameline Film Festival Sept 17-27 and at Inside Out Film Festival Oct 1-11.




About Joel Levy 2625 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography