6 Random DIY/Household Tips to Make Life Easier

From time to time, things break or require maintenance around your home. Being able to fix and restore items is both satisfying and rewarding, and it can save you cash in the long run. The faster you can do it, the better. This gives you more time to spend with your family and doing the things you love.

With this in mind, let’s look at DIY and household tips that give you more free time and allow you to do a better job.

1 Coffee Not Just for Drinking

If you’re retouching loved but old wooden furniture, consider using coffee as a filler. Use instant coffee and make it into a soluble paste by adding water. You want it quite thick. Rub it into the scratches until it forms an even surface. You may find this a better solution than standard filler as it is easier to mould.

You can also use shoe polish to do the same job. Once set, you can overpaint or varnish.

2 Use Glue

Often a good glue can make life a lot easier. You can hold items that you are sawing, screwing, drilling in one place. You can reinforce things like curtain rails, and there is a range of glues that are designed for specific jobs and tolerances such as withstanding temperature changes, for example.

The trick is to decide which one is right for the job. As a general rule of thumb, standard super glues are for fixing items that won’t be under too much stress, while for heavy-duty work epoxy glues are preferred.

According to the scientists, epoxy glues are the strongest.

3 Secure Your Forever Slipping Rug!

Rugs are beautiful, but they can also be annoying as they often slip. If this is happening, put down double-sided tape to hold it in position. Use a good quality one as it will last longer and perform better.

4 Paint & Paint Brushes

To keep paint fresh, ensure you securely fasten the lid. This sounds obvious, but often people forget, and the paint dries out. It also ensures that no stray paint will splash, causing a world of headaches.

After you have used your paintbrushes and cleaned them, wrap them in cling film. This will keep them moist and ready for use next time. While you’re about it, do the same with your rollers.

5 Make that Oven Door Shine

Oven doors tend to get pretty gunky. All that cooking, fumes, oil, fats, etc. combine to make something which has no human word to describe. To remove this gunk, use water and baking soda to remove it.

So, ¼ cup of baking soda in a dish and add water to make a thick paste. Spread this over the door. Leave it for twenty minutes and wipe off. Stubborn bits should be removable by using a scouring pad.

6 Hot Scissors for Better Cuts

If you have to cut fabric, dip your scissors into boiling water. You will find the fabric cuts easier and cleaner, allowing you to do a better job.

DIY is a rewarding hobby, but sometimes the faster you can get something done, the better. And don’t worry, household and DIY tasks never seem to run dry.



About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography