This week we spoke to Toronto-based comedian Rob Bebenek about his debut album, “Everything is Fine”. It includes 16 tracks featuring his straight-forward flow of anecdotal humour as he shares his frantic bewilderment on everything from the pattern of highway signs in Nova Scotia, planned obsolescence, and the impressive audacity of senior citizens.

How would you describe your comedy style?
I never know how to answer this question. I kinda hate it. I try to be blunt and honest on stage. When I was new to comedy I had one joke that was a completely fabricated story. It got a good response, but I hated it so much I couldn’t keep doing it.
Who are some of your influences?
I think a lot of my influences are people I don’t realize are influencing me. I hang out with so many great comedians, and they for sure make an impact on me.
Who was your favourite comedian growing up?
When I was really young I loved Eddie Murphy. I definitely wasn’t old enough to watch Delirious when I first saw it. He was my favourite until I was introduced to Billy Connolly and Brian Regan.
Who is your favourite comedian now?
I don’t have a favourite comedian right now, but I do think Kathleen Madigan is criminally underrated. Also Sam Jay was my favourite comedian I saw at Just For Laughs last year.
What is your pre-show ritual?
I think nerves cause comics to have rituals. I’m not a nervous person. I go to the show and wait until I’m on. Might have a beer.
What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?
Massey Hall. I’m such a music nerd, and just to set foot on that stage where so many legends have performed was amazing.
What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?
I usually only discover new comedians when I’m on shows with them. I love listening to old comics on vinyl though.
Do you have anything to promote right now?
I have a cross country tour booked for 2021. Starting in Vancouver and ending in Halifax. Pandemic pending of course.
Where can we follow you?
You can follow me on Twitter @rob_bebenek or Instagram @ol_bebsie and my website.
PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?
You should know about Arthur Simeon. He should be a household name by now.
Tell us a joke.
Check out my album “Everything is Fine”. There’s a couple jokes on there.