Homegrown Business: Tarra Stubbins of Take It Easy Personal Concierge

We recently spoke with Tarra Stubbins about her personal concierge business called Take It Easy. Since 2007, they have helped both businesses and individuals get the assistance they needed when getting their everyday lives organized.

Take It Easy Personal Concierge Inc

What is your business called and what does it do?

I am the founder and CEO of Take It Easy Personal Concierge Inc. Take It Easy is Toronto’s premier luxury boutique concierge and errand service firm. We help both companies and individuals seeking assistance with getting their everyday lives organized. Since 2007 we have grown to become one of the largest independently owned personal concierge companies in Canada. We make our clients feel like Rock Stars. No errand is too big or too small. Collectively, the Take It Easy team has successfully helped thousands of CEOs, Executives and Entrepreneurs eliminate their ever-growing To-Do lists and understand the true meaning of delegation and time management.

What made you want to do this work?

I always had a passion for organizing and helping people and from a very early age I was obsessed with schedules and planners. Fast forward to my college years when I was taking a Film and Television Production Program internship and was asked to jump on the Kenny Rogers tour bus. I caught the bug for being an assistant and never looked back. Many people call this line of work un-glamorous, but I find it the most rewarding. I have always said that I believe I was put on this planet for one reason and that is to help others succeed. For 10 years I was the personal assistant to celebrities like The Rolling Stones and The Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I learned very quickly that the celebrities I was helping, were also teaching me valuable time management and delegation systems. I felt like I was hiding the secret formula for success from the rest of the world and I just needed to share. I also knew that my skills were bigger than helping just one rock star at a time. I was craving to help as many people as possible stand out from the crowd and become a huge success in both their lives and careers.

What problem does this solve?

Everyone is given the same 24 hours in a day and I am here to help my clients solve the problem of clock ticking down too quickly. Time is the true equalizer in life and I believe anyone can be successful using proper time management strategies. Celebrities and Rock Stars were not handed the winning ticket to the success lottery. They have figured out how to prioritize their days for great success. Time Management isn’t about shaving a few minutes off of your commute or getting to inbox zero, it is about filling your days with meaningful moments that will ultimately create the life you want to live.

Who are your clientele/demographics?

I work with CEOs, high profile individuals, and entrepreneurs who struggle to find the time to accomplish their goals and thrive.

Where in Toronto can we find your profession?

Take It Easy Personal Concierge headquarters are located in downtown Toronto, but I help clients from across Canada, LA, Nashville, Miami and NYC.

What is the best question a prospective customer could ask a member of your profession when comparing services?

There are two great questions to ask:

1) What is the smallest thing you have done for a client with the biggest impact?
2) How will you make me (your client) feel like your most important client?

What is the best part about what you do? What is the worst part?

Seeing what I teach become habits is the most rewarding part of my day. I also love witnessing when my clients have the “light bulb” moment of discovering the true value of time. I love what I do every day. I honestly wouldn’t change it for anything. That being said, I do have days that are more stressful than others, but there is no “worst part” to what I do. The moment I start having bad days will be the moment I look for another line of work. Life is too short to be unhappy and unfulfilled.

PAY IT FORWARD: What is another Toronto business that you love?

There are just so many! I wouldn’t be successful without the incredible network of professionals I call on daily. But I have to say that Paul Indrigo, a premier real estate agent for Century 21, is a rock star! He is the most honest guy I know, and works harder than anyone I’ve ever met. I am in awe of the work ethic of this man. He and I have the same goal and that is to see others succeed. I’ve never met anyone who loves their job more than Paul and he truly radiates this every day.



About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography