“Five Minutes With” Toronto Dream Pop musician Lennox C.B.

Lennox Campbell-Berzins is a songwriter, composer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist based out of Toronto, Ontario. He has performed and recorded in a variety of genres and on various instruments over the years and is the front man of local projects Ruby Cikada and Broken Wolves.

Lennox C.B. is the project title for his solo album work, beginning with his new debut release, “Night Light”, a dream/psych pop album.

Lennox C.B. toronto dream pop

Name: Lennox C.B.

Genre: Dream Pop/Psychedelic Pop

Founded: 2018

# of Albums: 1

Latest Release: December 5th, 2018 – debut album.

Latest Video: No videos yet but perhaps in the near future!

Latest Single: “She Gets Me High”.

Favourite Restaurant:

I’m a regular at Amico’s Pizza in Parkdale, but I also love Mother India – pizza or roti? Today I’m feeling roti so I might have to say Mother India!

Favourite band as a teenager:

Tough one! Somewhere between The Beatles and Weezer.

Favourite band now:

Currently would have to say Beach House, which has also been a major influence for the recent record.

Guilty Pleasure Song:

“Bird is the Word” but the Ramones version. Classic.

Live Show Ritual:

At least one drink before going on and a deep haul of fresh air before going on.

Favourite local artist:

Probably have to say Kaleidoscope Horse, I aim to make it to every show I can attend in town.

Sneaky Dees nachos, pasta from Terroni or a superfood salad from Fresh?

Sneaks Nachos every day!! Kings Crowns 110%!

Queen or College St?

Beacause I live in Parkdale, I would have to say Queen street, but that’s a hard one.

Trinity Bellwoods or Highpark, Riverdale or Kew Gardens?

High Park, so many trails.

EP or LP?

LP, I’m a big fan of the long-form medium.

Early bird or night owl?

Night owl for sure – been trying to do the early bird but gets eaten up by the late night surges.

Road or studio?

I actually have never been on the road really yet but would love to tour one day. For now I’ll have to say the studio as I know it best and it’s where you usually (hopefully) have the most control over your sound.

Swiss Chalet or Roti?

Roti, roti, and more roti!!

Where can we follow you?

Instagram  | Facebook

Spotify/Soundcloud/Apple Music: Lennox C.B.

Any shows or albums coming up?

No shows as of yet, but I am intending on releasing a second follow up album this year if I play my cards right!



About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography