Ice Breakers Winter Art Installations Now on Display in Toronto

Five Winter Art installations officially went on display this past weekend along Toronto’s waterfront starting at Harbourfront Centre and running west along the lake’s edge. To kick off the event, an opening party was held at Boxcar Social in advance of Saturday night’s launch to celebrate the “Ice Breakers” show that is run by the same people who bring us Winter Stations each year.

Ice Breakers Winter Art Installations
“Tailored Twins” at Ice Breakers

In partnership with the Waterfront BIA, the event will run until February 26th with installations at Harbourfront Centre, HTO Park, Music Garden East, Rees Street Parkette and the Peter Street Basin.

The name “Ice Breakers” makes reference to the ships that used to break up the ice in the Toronto harbour. Ice boating was also a favourite winter pastime for adventurous nineteenth-century Torontonians. While you can no longer go ice boating in the Toronto harbour, ferries and other ships still traverse the harbour during the winter months. For the general population, new ways of enjoying the Toronto waterfront in the winter are always welcomed.

Ice Breakers
“Incognito” at Ice Breakers

A series of walking tours exploring the Toronto Central Waterfront’s transition from a thriving port into a place for people to live, work and play will take place during the Ice Breakers show. Organizers will lead you through the development of the downtown waterfront and explore the challenges, the successes and the lessons that have been learned for the future of waterfront revitalization in Toronto.

Tour Date:

-Sunday February 5 at 11am

Location: Tour begins at 60 Harbour Street and will move west to Spadina and Queens Quay West. This is a 90-minute tour.

For more information, contact



About Joel Levy 2620 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography