Mealshare Teams Up with Additional Toronto Restaurants

In our big city, there’s no denying that there are many people who go hungry each and every day. Access to good, or any, food is a daily struggle. We know that many of us also try to find ways to help in anyway we can. Mealshare is one of the organizations that have caught our attention and currently there are 16 restaurants in Toronto who have signed on to participate in the program. An additional 8 will join the roster starting on June 9th including Pizzeria Libretto and Khao San Road.

Mealshare Toronto

So, what is Mealshare Toronto? The organization’s focus is on youth, specifically the Eva’s Initiative. This non-profit organization’s giving structure is a simple one. When you visit participating restaurants, look for the Mealshare logos on the menu. Order the designated item on the menu, a meal is donated to a youth in need, right here in our city — you buy one and the restaurant will give one and there’s no added cost to the customer.

Why do the restaurants get involved? We’ve learned that many of the restaurant owners who are passionate about feeding us, also want to do something to give back to the communities they live and work in. They’re passionate about feeding people good food with fresh ingredients.

Mealshare Toronto

Mealshare started in July, 2013 by Jeremy Bryant and Andrew Hall, two young Canadian cousins who had thought about the millions of people who eat out everyday and wondered how to make a difference in hunger issues in our cities. Today, Mealshare has partnered with over 230 restaurants in 7 cities across Canada and has provided over 650,000 meals to people in need. You can also visit the website to see the number of meals shared per restaurant.

Here is the roster of Toronto restaurants and food partners participating in the Mealshare program:

  • Khao San Road
  • Pizzeria Libretto
  • Cafe Belong
  • Sud Forno
  • Nana
  • Hawthorne
  • Terroni (Adelaide, Yonge at Price, Queen Street)
  • The George Street Diner
  • The Passenger
  • Fabernak
  • Marben
  • Parts & Labour
  • Entoca Sociale
  • Bespoke Butchers
  • Eat Easy

…additions as of June 9

  • The Citizen
  • Golden Thai
  • The Grand Trunk
  • Cardinal Rule
  • Earth & City
  • Culinary Adventure Co.
  • Dog & Bear



About Sonya Davidson 970 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.