“A Day in the Life” with Fashion Designer Taeden Hall of Gloomth

Taeden Hall grew up in a little town, on a small and snowy island in northern Ontario.

In her teens, as online shopping was still years away and there weren’t a lot of creative or unique clothing options in the Sears catalogue, and no malls nearby, she began altering and making clothes herself.

She moved to Toronto to attend the Ontario College of Art and Design in the early 2000’s, where she studied illustration and sold vintage clothing on eBay to pay for more pens.

Taeden mid-photoshoot with Gloomth model CheshireCat. Building unique sets for our shoots helps evoke the world behind the designs Gloomth sells. Photo taken by Russel Hall, 2016.

After graduating she began sewing and creating pieces in her dining room and before long the demand for her work grew. Staff were hired, websites registered, and since 2007 Gloomth & the Cult of Melancholy has become the friendly monster dominating almost all of her time.

Taeden’s work as a designer is influenced heavily by Victorian styles and themes such as mourning and decay. Exploring what makes people uncomfortable is a big part of her work, turning unsettling concepts into strange and beautiful apparel. Gloomth’s clothing is intended to inspire others to create their ideal selves, to explore ideas outside of the everyday. Taeden says, “Gloomth exists as a love letter to the Misfits of the Misfits, to everyone who doesn’t fit in and doesn’t want to.”


-by Gillian Holmes

Taeden taking photos at a shoot in a Victorian museum house with model Ashavari. This was shot where we will be hosting our upcoming Tea Party on June 19th! Photo taken by Russel Hall, 2016.
A photo Taeden shot recent of model Vanessa Walsh wearing Gloomth’s new “Apparition” top and our popular bloomers in black. Taeden has been taken over as the main photographer for Gloomth in recent years, though still collaborates often with her brother and other proper professional photographers. 2016.
Gloomth’s Ghost Story collection has just launched on our website! We are looking forward to celebrating it at our upcoming Tea Party on June 19th. Model is CheshireCat, hair by Savija Ellis, and Photo is by Russel Hall, 2016.


What hood are you in?

I live between Little India and the Upper Beaches areas in Toronto.

What do you do?

I am an artist and the designer/owner of “Gloomth & the Cult of Melancholy”, a clothing label I started in 2007. We specialize in unique styles inspired by Victorian mourning trends and modern street fashion. All of the clothing we create is handmade locally. I also draw a lot of silly things like coloring books, vampires, and tarot decks, and I art direct and act as photographer on many of the label’s photoshoots.

Gloomth completes around 2 to 3 photoshoots per month as a way to share our strange world with our audience. Taeden has been personally handling the makeup and styling for almost all of these shoots since 2008. “It’s been a great challenge to learn new techiques and experiment with styles for the makeup in our shoots! I love it!” she says. Photo by Russel Hall, 2014.
Part of styling shoots with multiple models is planning everyone’s outfits ahead of time! Taeden sketches out rough plans for each outfit for the photoshoot ahead of time, complete with accessories and details, so it’s easy to create the day of.
Gloomth’s style is influenced by a variety of street fashions and historical eras, often blended with our own strange perspective. This photo shot by Gloomth designer Taeden Hall features model Hexcelle in our “Doll” dress. 2016.
Our first Tea Party in 2015 featured an enormous fake pastel cake with dancing Gloomth Girl illustrations on it as part of an art display at the event! We’ve had a lot of fun creating these parties with our local friends and fans. Our next one has a more ghostly theme and will take place in a Victorian furnished home! We can’t wait.

What are you working on right now?

Currently I am planning our upcoming Gloomth Tea Party on June 19th, as well as making new accessories and little detail pieces to accompany our clothing. Lots of fascinators made from vintage doll-faces and re-purposing old hat flowers to make head pieces. Gloomth also just launched our first themed collection of 2016 titled “Ghost Story”, which features designs inspired by ghostly tales and folklore. I’m also learning to make stuffed toys in my spare time!

Where can we find your work?

You can find my work on our website.



About Joel Levy 2611 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography