Christopher Wahl Exhibit features the Faces of Caregiving

Toronto-based photographer Christopher Wahl has photographed some of the most recognizable faces in the world including Queen Elizabeth II and Sean Penn. His work has been seen in publications around the world including Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone Magazine and Maclean’s. His photography has also landed in some public and private collections. The most notable is in the the Art Gallery of Ontario’s permanent collection.

Christopher Wahl

Wahl, recently brought attention to National Family Caregiver Day in a powerful and intimate portrait series exhibition unveiled this past week at Arta Gallery in the city’s Distillery District.

The “Faces of Caregiving” series features families, friends and loved ones, each capturing stunning details of their personal caregiving story. Throughout the photoshoots, Wahl brought out many emotions and complexities that caregivers are experiencing everyday showing a more human side to caregiving.

The human connection is an important one and as I was made aware of this special unveiling of Wahl’s work. I had also recognized someone from school and her family in the beautiful photo collection.

As I had read the caption accompanying the photos, I had learned that Bonnie’s father had a stroke and now is caring for him. I deeply admire the strength and courage of family members supporting each other and know that it’s not easy. This portrait series brings awareness for those very important people in our lives.

The photo collection was in partnership with Saint Elizabeth and Elizz. Saint Elizabeth is a national health care provider that’s been active for more than a century. They employ 8,000 people and visit 18,000 clients every day. Elizz is dedicated to providing services for caregivers.

You can view the collection at

Here’s a behind the scenes look …



About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.