Help Construct a New Regent Park Youth Centre

For our latest charitable feature, we are sharing news from Dixon Hall and their fundraiser for a Regent Park Youth Centre.

Dixon Hall Regent Park Youth Centre

Dixon Hall is a multi-service agency located in Toronto’s downtown Eastside that offers a wide range of supportive programs and services for the diverse communities it represents. They promote good jobs, good health, safe shelter, vibrant cultures and a strong community, primarily for residents of Regent Park, Moss Park, West Donlands, East Bayfront and the surrounding neighbourhoods.

Since the revitalization project has begun in the Regent Park neighbourhood, many of Dixon Hall’s services were affected, including the Dixon Hall Neighbourhood Service’s (DHNS) youth programs. The DHNS youth programs were demolished in the area which left many at risk youth without the support they count on to stay active and participating in constructive programming. In order to restore the programs, a new Regent Park Youth Centre will have to be constructed in the area. Youth will be provided a space where they can come together and play sports, create music, cook, play games and do their homework.

The City of Toronto, Toronto Community Housing and the Daniels Corporation have already committed valuable support for the new Regent Park Youth Centre. Three million dollars must be raised to make it a reality. As of now, almost $1 million has been raised. The fundraising began in late November with a kickoff event hosted by members of the DHNS and The Honourable Bob Rae.

The best way for our readers to help is with contributions through the Dixon Hall website: – click on the Donate button and select New Youth Centre Campaign.

If you would like to get involved please contact Bill Hallett at:; or call Diane Chin, our Campaign Coordinator, at 416-956-4949, ext. 216.

Learn more about Dixon Hall, their history, and the programs they run through an article we did on them. They are a valuable asset to our communities and to our city.



About Joel Levy 2629 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography