Our Favourite and Most Talked About Moments of 2015

It’s nearly the end of the year and it’s our chance to reflect on some of the most talked about moments to give us all the warm and fuzzies (or at least a conversation starter at all the holiday parties) as we close out 2015. Here are some of our favourites…

Pan Am Games Toronto. PHoto credit; Sonya Davidson - Our Favourite and Most Talked About Moments of 2015


Made our city come together and we were so proud! The Toronto sign at Nathan Phillips Square continues to be embraced by locals and visitors. We couldn’t believe how magical the CN Tower was in all it’s pyrotechnic glory. Even though the press south of the border predicted a snooze fest, the organizers absolutely proved them wrong right at Opening Ceremonies. We had a breather from all the never ending road closures due to construction and  the relentless TTC shut-downs to do “maintenance track work”.

Pan Am Games. Photo Credit; Sonya Davidson - Most Talked About Moments of 2015


aka “dad” became our coolest politician and took to Twitter with his quick witted and smart quips. He’s become so well loved in this city that his popularity has inspired a line of #WETHENORM apparel with 100 % of net proceeds going to Covenant House and SickKids Foundation. Check out weethenorm.com . And then this…


Gave us hope and some great moments which rejuvenated the city’s sports dreams. Jose Bautista makes the most memorable “Bat Flip” that no one will forget. Thank you!


Toronto hosts the World Junior Hockey Finals and Canada wins Gold in front of a raucous crowd.

world juniors hockey - Most Talked About Moments of 2015


Who would have thought that the Toronto Maple Leafs could actually get Mike Babcock behind their bench. This year it actually happened and yet another Leafs rebuild began. Let us hope that the New Year brings some new players and a whole new looking team.

Mike Babcock Toronto - Most Talked About Moments of 2015


What a time to be alive! The “If you’re reading this it’s too late” banner was hung at Ryerson and then DRAKE showed up with Norm Kelly and joins Future during Frosh Week. Then he opened the new restaurant FRINGS with Master Chef Susur Lee and then put his Midas Touch on the highly exclusive, and members only, Sher Club at the ACC. But that reaction to Madonna’s kiss at Coachella tho. Priceless.

Screen shot 2015-12-15 at 10.43.40 AM - Most Talked About Moments of 2015


is everywhere including SNL and the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. He’s also performing to sell-out crowds with his ‘Beauty Behind the Madness’ Tour that made a two-night sold out stop at the ACC — it was just a year ago he was playing the MOD Club.

The Weeknd - Most Talked About Moments of 2015


new ‘purpose’ in life is giving him a second chance recruiting more Beliebers. Many high school girls skipped off school in hopes to see him at the charity concert in support of The Stratford House of Blessing, at the one of our favourite venues, The Danforth Music Hall, and they weren’t sorry. He also dropped his new album and letting fans know that he’s found his way.

Justin Bieber - Most Talked About Moments of 2015


has become the mecca for Japanese style and lighter cheesecake in the city. Eager foodies agree to the limited quantity for purchase and while, yes they are good, we’re actually loving the matcha bar next door (they have the matcha cheesecake there that I actually prefer) but many are still lining up for at least an hour for a taste of the original recipe….still.

cheeesecake - Most Talked About Moments of 2015


gives us a bee-line to and from Union Station and Pearson International Airport.

Photo: Toronto Pearson International Airport - Most Talked About Moments of 2015


finally unveils under water pedestrian walkway link from the city to the island so now you can get to the other side in less than 6 minutes. It’s functional.

Most Talked About Moments of 2015


The ride sharing program challenges the cab system in Toronto by bringing cheaper fares with a more pleasurable, cash free experience. Cabbies protest by blocking roads, causing people to have to UBER home from work. The Globe put out this article about the dirty dealings behind cab companies – http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/adventure/red-line/how-uber-is-ending-the-dirty-dealings-behind-torontos-cab-business/article25515301/

UBER protest toronto


breaks the internet with everyone wanting on his naughty list. Local model, Paul Mason, reprised his role as #YorkdaleFashionSanta to raise money for Sick Kids Foundation through selfies.

Yorkdale Fashion Santa - Most Talked About Moments of 2015


What was your favourite moment?



About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.