Toronto Flower Market will launch their inaugural event this Saturday, May 11th at 99 Sudbury(99 Sudbury Street) in Toronto.
The event will take place from 10 am until 3 pm and will feature an abundance of fresh-cut, potted and bedding flower varieties sourced directly from Ontario greenhouses.
The Toronto Flower Market is also working with pickOntario, the marketing initiative managed by Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc., to create awareness about locally grown flower varieties and the benefits of purchasing locally grown products.
“Ontario-grown cut and potted flowers not only have an increased life span, look great and are grown locally, but every purchase also helps to drive the economic future of the floriculture industry in Canada. We are thankful and very excited to be a part of this new venture with the Toronto Flower Market,” said Nikki Gomes, Marketing Director at Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc.
Local vendors participating in the Toronto Flower Market include Dodd’s Greenhouses, Dutch Mill Gardens Inc., Pioneer Flower Farms, Ultra Grow Ltd and Van Geest Bros. Limited. For more information on these or other Ontario flower growers visit www.pickOntario.ca.
The events will run the second Saturday of every month from now until September. If you are on the hunt for affordable and high-quality local plants then this will be your one stop shop. Check out their website for up to date info and dates.