Interview with Eila Adams: Empowerment Through Nudity

In today’s society, discussions around nudity often intersect with debates on gender equality, sexuality, and body positivity. Eila Adams, known for her unconventional approach to these topics through her role as a host on Naked News, sits down with us to discuss her empowering journey toward embracing nudity.

Eila Adams
Eila Adams

Thank you for joining us, Eila. Can you share more about your journey towards embracing nudity as a form of empowerment? What led you to challenge conventional norms and celebrate your body with pride?

I’ve always been quite comfortable with nudity, really, even as a kid. My comfort level likely stems from how my family and friends perceived nudity—it was normal and often seen as humorous. We weren’t nudists, but skinny dipping and good-natured pranks were common in my circle. Nudity for me isn’t about making a big statement; it’s just about being comfortable in your own skin, and yes, sometimes it’s just plain funny!

How do you believe nudity challenges the sexualization of women’s bodies and the double standards between men and women?

Nudity, in my view, doesn’t have to be sexualized. We should champion for women to have the same rights as men to be topless outdoors. In Europe, for example, there’s a much healthier attitude towards nudity. It can be sexual in the right context, but it’s also a normal part of life—feeling the sun or water on your skin without the discomfort of being sexualized or harassed.

As a host for Naked News, have you gained any insights into how others relate and respond to nudity?

Absolutely, hosting Naked News has been quite the experience! We have segments where we interview people on the streets while topless, and reactions vary widely—from shock and excitement to laughter and sometimes, unfortunately, disapproval. Despite it being legal to be topless in public spaces like Toronto, challenges still arise, such as having to move locations at a police officer’s request.

In what ways do you view nudity as a form of political resistance to the oppression of women?

The real political statement here is about body acceptance. Women are constantly sold products to alter their appearances—diets, creams, you name it. Accepting your body as it is, is the resistance. It’s rejecting those imposed standards. If I can inspire someone to look in the mirror and feel comfortable in their nudity, that’s a victory.

Could you elaborate on the role of sex positivity in promoting body confidence and self-acceptance?

Being comfortable in your own skin directly contributes to a sex-positive attitude. This translates into not just a healthier self-image but potentially more enjoyable sexual experiences. Through Naked News, we frequently discuss sex in a way that normalizes these conversations, promoting a healthier, more accepting view towards it.

Lastly, what advice do you offer to others who might face criticism for their body or sexuality, similar to what you’ve faced?

Criticism used to affect me more, but with time, you learn the importance of focusing on oneself and surrounding yourself with like-minded people. Our industry isn’t for everyone, but understanding and embracing that can be empowering.





About Joel Levy 2645 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography