Your 20’s are the perfect time to self-reflect, and habits you develop in this age can stick with you throughout your life. Staying healthy in your 20’s is crucial because it can lower the risk for many diseases later on. However, the responsibilities accompanying this age result in less time for self-care and health neglect. You’ve probably been hearing about good diet and exercise since forever. Let us discuss the scientific, research-backed reasons for four common catch-phrases when it comes to health in the 20’s.

1. Exercise Regularly
Exercise is not only related to weight reduction. It reduces stress hormone levels like cortisol and adrenaline and improves mood by producing endorphins that help with insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Remaining physically active also reduces the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Experts recommend 30 minutes of physical activity each day. You can join a gym, establish a workout routine with a trainer, or opt for jogging, bicycling, or running in your free hours.
2. Sleeping Better
You may think that the lack of sleep can cause headaches and grogginess at most, but it’s more dangerous than that. We get busier in our 20’s and tend to neglect sleep, which can cause severe consequences like brain damage. Adequate sleep of up to seven to eight hours is necessary to keep the immune system strong, improve cognition, and reduce levels of anxiety and depression. You have to adopt a healthy sleep routine as well. Better habits include avoiding screens for up to an hour before bedtime, not using stimulants like caffeine before sleeping, not eating after dinner, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.
3. Proactive Health Maintenance
People in their 20’s often enjoy good health but fail to maintain it. Substance intake and bad diets are particularly prevalent at this age, leading to obesity, diabetes, lung and liver issues, reproductive disorders, erectile dysfunction, or high blood pressure later in life.
Get yearly checkups, or you may live with undiagnosed medical conditions that exacerbate suddenly and rapidly. Don’t neglect your oral health, either. In your 20’s, you’ll likely have good teeth. Floss and brush them regularly if you don’t want to lose teeth or develop gum infections. Get them checked every six months too. Search online for “dentist near me” and book an appointment to ensure your oral health is not compromised.
4. Finding a Hobby
Finding a hobby that brings you joy can reduce stress and make you mentally and emotionally happy while you remain productive. Try a variety of activities, note how they make you feel, and stick to the ones that you best resonate with. Creative hobbies like painting, baking, and gardening can be therapeutic and relaxing. At the same time, physical hobbies like yoga, dancing, and swimming give you all the benefits that regular exercise does.
It can be challenging for a young adult to focus on health, but a human body is often at its most fit in the 20’s. Try to retain that health so you can live happily and pain-free for a long time. Invest in better meals, reduce your substance intake and take out the time to exercise, and visit your doctor and dentist regularly. Find time to spend in activities and hobbies that bring you joy, so you remain mentally at peace.