Five Minutes With: Toronto Post Punk Band The Meringues

The Meringues are a post-punk powerhouse known for their explosive live shows and captivating stage presence. At the heart of The Meringues are Amanda Pants and Ted Evans, whose dynamic vocal interplay and onstage antics blur the line between playful banter and intense rivalry.

Their unique chemistry is supported by the solid rhythm section of Jackson Baird on bass and Alastair Morrison on drums, creating a thrilling atmosphere that threatens to spiral out of control while maintaining a clear artistic vision.

Known for their explosive live shows, The Meringues deliver a captivating performance that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. Their dynamic presence has earned them opportunities to open for established artists like Protest the Hero, and DOA, and to perform at festivals such as NXNE, Canadian Music Week, and Spring Reverb. The band’s acclaim is further highlighted by charting across Canada on college radio and winning Best Music Video for “The Lottery” at the Kingston Canadian Film Festival in 2020.

Pavlova’s Dog, their sophomore album, continues to explore the intersection of fun and dysfunction that The Meringues have perfected. Spanning from deep psychological themes to playful, child-like perspectives, the album features 11 tracks that weave these elements together seamlessly. With catchy melodies and sharply poignant lyrics, The Meringues reveal their true essence as a band, capturing the complexity of human relationships and the dark undercurrents of self-doubt and personal struggle. Pavlova’s Dog is set to solidify The Meringues’ place in the post-punk landscape, showcasing their focused energy and artistic prowess.

The Meringues


The Meringues


Post-Punk/New Wave



# of Albums:


Latest Album:

The Meringues (Self-titled, 2018)

Latest Single:

Shambles (July 15, 2024)

Latest Video:

Favourite musician growing up:


Favourite musician now:

Amyl and the Sniffers

Guilty pleasure song:

Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up

Live show ritual:

We always tell ourselves “Put on the same show whether there’s 10,000 people, or 10. Give it all, no matter what.”

Favourite local musician:


EP or LP?


Early bird or night owl?

Somehow, we’ve been both lately. Need more sleep!

Road or studio?


Any shows or albums coming up?

Pavlova’s Dog, 11-song sophomore album

Where can we follow you?

Website | TikTok | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube


Rapid Fire Local Questions:

What is your favourite local restaurant?

Otter Creek Farms. Truly amazing food, and the nicest people!

What is your favourite street in your city and why?

Princess St. Downtown is always so lively and full of people we know.

What is your favourite park in your city and why?

Douglas Fluhrer Park. It was named in honour of my Grandfather, who worked for the city many years ago and helped grow and maintain the number of trees, flowers, and parks in the city.

What is your favourite music venue in your city?

The Broom Factory. Whereas most venues in Kingston are bars, the Broom Factory is the only place doing consistent all-ages shows with a large focus on the music.

What is your favourite music store in your city?

Brian’s Record Option of course!