Tragedy Plus Time: Toronto Comedian Sarah Bennett

Enthralling audiences with a unique blend of earnest, mischievous humour and theatrical flair, Sarah Bennett turns the stage into a canvas for sketch-like stand-up that delights in the absurd. Drawing inspiration from the likes of Patti Harrison, Sophia Buddle, and the iconic Amy Sedaris, she thrives on portraying the quirky, the bizarre, and the hilariously unexpected aspects of everyday life. We connected with her to learn more.

Sarah Bennett

How would you describe your comedy style?

I’m very earnest, ironic and mischievous. My stand-up is a lot more like sketch comedy if anything, because it’s very theatrical. I like to make stuff up and lie. I would never lie in real life, by the way, if any of my family or potential lovers are reading. I always try to be true to myself and honour what I think is true and funny about the world. My agent said it feels as though there’s “something I’m not telling the audience” like I’m keeping secrets, which is also true about my style. I’m a charming little delinquent.

What are some of your influences?

Patti Harrison, Sophia Buddle, and Amy Sedaris specifically in “Strangers with Candy”. I love weird women.

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

Probably Dana Carvey. I used to go to elementary school and ask people “What’s your favourite episode of the Dana Carvey Show (1996)?” and they wouldn’t know what the hell I was talking about. When I was 11 I saw Bridesmaids (2011) in theaters and it changed my brain chemistry. It’s still my favourite comedy film and it’s not even close.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

Jackie Pirico! God, I love her so much. She’s every comedian’s favourite comedian. She does her own thing and is genuinely one of the best people I’ve met in comedy. A couple of months ago I went to her third comedy album recording, and at times I couldn’t even laugh because I was just so in awe at how funny she is. She’s one of a kind. I love Jackie.

What is your pre-show ritual?

Smoke a Cuban cigar and jump into traffic. It helps me feel alive. Just kidding – I don’t think I have one. I just go in and hope everybody thinks I’m chill and normal.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

In May I went to Halifax and performed at Better Times Comedy at Good Robot Brewery. It was awesome. I met so many weird freaks(in the best way). Everybody in Nova Scotia is so sweet and nobody has an ego. They just like to drink beer and sit by the water, which really resonates with me.

What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?

I wrote a sketch that was featured in my Fringe show called “Wolf Slut”. It’s hard to explain. It’s a parody of slam poetry. It’s really stupid. I was proud of it because it was my first solo, non-stand-up piece that people responded to, and because I got to say the phrase “Wolf Slut” a lot.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

I don’t know how people found out about comedians before social media. Like, I’m sorry, I don’t have a car, I don’t know what the “radio” is. I’ll usually just peruse Spotify or Instagram for comedy that looks interesting, or I’ll listen to comedy podcasts and take note of the guests who make me laugh.

Tell us a joke about your city.

Toronto is so expensive. Why is it 5,000 to get caught on the subway tracks? I can’t even afford to kill myself.

My mom hates this joke.

Do you have anything to promote right now?

Please come when I produce a show. These days, I don’t produce them at any set time, just whenever inspiration strikes. Not to be boastful, but when I produce shows, they are very good and frankly change lives. You can find out about my shows by following me on Instagram.

Where can we follow you?

Thank you for asking…..As I mentioned, I love Instagram. I might be the only person who thinks this, Instagram is an amazing place for photos and videos.

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

Bita Joudaki and Rebecca Payne. They are doing some great things here in Toronto. They are both such funny writers and unique performers. I’m always happy when I see I’m on a lineup with them. They produce “Jokes On You”, which is an open mic at Tallboys, and “Just Four Laughs” at comedy bar Bloor.