Mo Sitta is a Toronto comedian who isn’t afraid to get deeply personal in order to make us all laugh. Influenced primarily by the people closest to him, he loves to be inspired by the every day around him. We caught up with him to learn more.

How would you describe your comedy style?
Fierce, brave, smart, philosophical, kaka noonoo, intelligent, and human. My bad no, I’m still very much a newborn baby when it comes to all of this, but if I had to describe my style right now I’d say I try to be relatable, very personal for the most part, and happy vibes. I might start getting goofier and more confusing as the years pass. I feel it coming. You never know though I never want to force anything, I’ll let my voice come to me.
Who are some of your influences?
I would say some of my biggest influences are not comedians, they’re my friends (shoutout sasa, robbay, shawin, hayzos) and family because they made me who I am today. However, comedians who influence me are Kevin Hart, Dave Chappelle, Shane Gillis, and maybe even Chris D’elia.
I like to be inspired by all types of creatives though.
Who was your favourite comedian growing up?
Kevin Hart was really who got me into this, if Kevin Hart does not exist then I don’t know if I would be here right now #KevinHartSavedMyLife. I also loved Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr pretty early on.
Who is your favourite comedian now?
Dave Chappelle, Kevin Hart, Louis CK, Tony Roberts, Sebastian Maniscalco. Those are my top 5 personal favourites of all time. In that order. But I love so many comedians. Joe list in my opinion is the best comedian on earth at this moment.
What is your pre-show ritual?
I don’t really have a pre-show ritual, I’m almost always extremely nervous before going up on stage so I don’t like talking to anyone, I just pace back and forth and think about my set. I’ve never been nervous while on stage though, as soon as I reach the stage all nerves are gone.
What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?
I’ve performed in bigger venues and those experiences are cool but there’s really nothing like a good comedy club. Backroom Comedy Club, Keys Comedy Club, Royal Comedy Theatre (R.I.P), and Rusty Nails in Kitchener are my favourite comedy clubs I’ve ever performed in.
What is your favourite bit you have written and why were you proud of it?
That’s a tough question, I don’t know if there’s one bit I’m particularly proud of. I’d say I’m proud of my set as a whole. The bits I’m most attached to though have to be the bits about my family, and me as an individual. I like telling personal stories and still being able to connect and relate to the audience. I also don’t believe I’ll ever feel like I wrote my best bit, at least not for a long time, because that’s what keeps me excited.
What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?
Live live live live live live live! Nothing beats a good night of live comedy. Nothing. Zero things on earth. Expect prayer.
Tell us a joke about your city.
Wow, I have nothing. Take these bars for now.
Uh young goat in a room full of sharks
I can’t swim but I know how to bark
Roof roof I’m a dog and I’m fly like Tony Stark
Mark Walberg if he was there on 9/11
I’m not eating unless it’s a honey bun from 7/11
I’m not eating unless it’s with my brethren
19 but I’m also a veteran
Yall hate the real like a Messi fan
For my dogs I would pop like a Pepsi can
My name is Mo and I got wheels like a sexy van
Your welcome
Do you have anything to promote right now?
Right now just my social media. I’m working on my stand-up opening for some bigger acts, and trying to do my part on social media. Posting skits and stand-up clips. Also, Stand Up Six puts on the best comedy shows in the city.
Where can we follow you?
PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?
There’s so many great comedians in Toronto, this scene is really so underrated but it’s fine because people will find out soon I PROMISE. Real-life LEGENDS right here.
Callum O’Neil, Armin Arbabi, Ben Bayfield, Ben Albert, Hannah Veldhoen, Alex Dewitt, Robert Khakham, Izzy Loewith, Alan Jalali, Dushawn Johnson, Bobby Warrener, Mike Akuna, Aj Bate, Nitish Sakhuja, Moe Ismail, Crystal Ferrier, Malik Elassal, Chris Robinson, Hassan Phills, Hamoodi, and many more.