Ryan Reynolds gives SickKids some ugly sweater love

It’s become an annual tradition to haul out our ugly Christmas sweaters and Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds takes it to the next level of tackiness — all in good fun, of course! In support of SickKids Hospital Foundation his larger-than-life ugly sweater has been replicated in form of bright and colourful lights at the 555 University Avenue entrance of the hospital for all to see.

On a side note, I was curious about how this whole ugly sweater thing caught on. The fun party dress code has snowballed over the past few decades morphing from Aunt May’s fashion faux pas and desire for everything green, red and gold in family photos to office party attire. Remember those? Sigh. That’s okay…it will work on zoom too. We admit it’s a lot of fun. Hey, it’s once a year (and you pack in that extra serving of stuffing without showing it).

To help bring the holiday spirit to the patients and families and with hopes to raise much needed funds for this world-class children’s’ hospital, a 20-foot replica of Reynolds’s sweater is there for everyone to see. Samsung Canada, a proud and long-time supporter of SickKids, is also matching all individual donations made, up to $100,000. The fundraising initiative will run until December 24, 2020.

They thought about enlisting an army of cute adorable puppies but according to Reynolds, “they were way too hard to train.”

Here’s a fun video to explain and a peek at “the sweater”. You can make donations this holiday season here at fundthefight.ca/sweaterlove




About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.