Special Olympic athlete, Tim Goodacre, Rocks the Rink

To dream of skating amongst world class athletes is one thing. To achieve this, is a culmination of hard work and dedication that speaks no limits. This November, local Special Olympics athlete, Tim Goodacre, made this dream a reality by taking the ice at Rock The Rink — an unforgettable experience that highlights the world’s best figure skaters and Special Olympics Champions Network members, including Tessa Virtue, Scott Moir and Patrick Chan, along with 26 other Special Olympics Canada athletes.

Tim Goodacre

Tim has been lacing up his skates for 18 years and has achieved significant milestones along the way. With the support of grassroots sports organization, Special Olympics Canada, Tim has medaled at multiple national and world championships and was named Ontario and Canadian Male Athlete of the Year in 2013. But it doesn’t stop there! Tim’s love of sports goes beyond the rink, extending into golf, powerlifting, swimming, skiing and even triathlons.

Participating in Special Olympics programming has been an exciting journey for this athlete, and there are currently over 47,000+ athletes, like Tim, registered with the organization across Canada. With the support of its official automotive partner, Kia Canada, Special Olympics Canada has continued to spread the message of inclusion and help people with intellectual disabilities discover new strengths, abilities, skills and success.

When Tim found out that he’d be joining Canadian heroes, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, at Rock The Rink, he was very excited and tells us he practiced a special skating moving called ‘shoot the duck’ for the big event. “Learning new tricks, and choosing accompanying music is what I love most about the sport. When I hear a piece of music I like, I always think of skating to it,” says Tim.

Special Olympics Canada has opened many doors and experiences for Tim, and his family couldn’t be more grateful. “We would like to extend a big thank you to Special Olympics Champions Network members, Scott and Tessa, and the entire Rock The Rink tour for this ground-breaking initiative. It speaks volumes about how professional athletes are giving back to the sport. Tim works hard and loves skating and to be given the opportunity to showcase his talent is wonderful”.

So, what’s next on Tim’s bucket list? “My next big goal is the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games in February 2020. Also, to skate with Scott and Tessa again.”

Rock The Rink will perform in 27 communities across Canada from October 5 to November 23, 2019. For tickets and more information visit www.rocktherink.com.

To learn how you can get involved and support Special Olympics Canada, visit www.specialolympics.ca.



About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.