Tiramisu by Francobollo Posto Italiano Chef Stephen Perrin


Tiramisu Fancobollo Posto chef Stephen Perrin
Photo: Francobollo Tiramisu


For out latest recipe from a Toronto chef, we share this Tiramisu recipe from Francobollo Posto Italiano restaurant.

– 6 egg yolks
– 120 grams white sugar
– 750 grams mascarpone
– 500 grams savoiardi (ladyfingers)
– 1 shot Bacardi white rum
– ~3 cups espresso

-Place eggs and sugar into electric mixer, mix for 6-7 minutes or until well mixed
-Mix in mascarpone and rum, ready when creamy
-Dip ladyfingers in espresso, place one layer of ladyfingers in pan flat side by side
-Layer 1/3 of cream over ladyfingers
-Place another layer of espresso-soaked ladyfingers on top
-Layer remaining 2/3 of cream over ladyfingers
-Place in fridge to chill for several hours

Serves 8 people

Serving suggestion: Garnish the top of the cake with the shaved dark chocolate or powdered cocoa.




About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography