From fear to courage: New book guides women to accomplish impossible goals

Wire Your Brain for Confidence The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt

How often do you question your actions; worry about what you’ve said or done; or generally feel like an imposter? This is self-doubt and unfortunately it’s on the rise. As a matter of fact, due to many factors – from our ever-changing atmospheres to childhood traumas – studies have shown that general happiness, particularly among women, is on the decline.

Fortunately, promising research is also on the rise; and it’s showing that by adapting some proven, easy-to-do strategies into our lives, we can train our brains to be more self-confident and manage self-doubt.

Wire Your Brain for Confidence The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt, author Louisa Jewell
Louisa Jewell

In her new book, Wire Your Brain for Confidence The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt, author Louisa Jewell writes about how self-doubt affects people, even when they don’t realize it, and breaks down the research around what can be done to combat it.

As a speaker and positive psychology expert, Jewell shares her many years of experience and research, mainly in hopes women and especially younger women will learn from her mistakes.

“This book is about a new way of approaching things,” says Jewell at her recent Toronto book launch, “There are many different tools that allow people to learn how to take themselves to the next level. If you keep practicing, it starts to chip away at the self doubt and strengthen your self confidence.”

Fortunately, she says, once you learn the “formula” you don’t forget it. “It becomes a regular practice of how you show up in the world,” she says, “And with mental illnesses becoming epidemic, we must work on practicing these confidence muscles everyday.”

Wire Your Brain for Confidence The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt, author Louisa Jewell
Wire Your Brain for Confidence The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt, author Louisa Jewell

Wire Your Brain for Confidence The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt looks into the science and psychology of issues around self-doubt and presents coping strategies, exercises, tips and actionables to conquer it.

“This book is for women who stop themselves from playing a bigger game; who stop themselves from going after their dreams and goals,” says Jewell, “It’s about having the confidence to live an authentic life; to obtain a calm, peaceful confidence.”

Wire Your Brain for Confidence, The Science of Conquering Self-Doubt is available on For more, see author’s website:



About Joel Levy 2636 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography