“A Day in the Life” with Toronto creative Mouart

Coming across Mouart’s page was like walking into a wonderland. The soft use of colours are reminiscent of the overlapping images you recall when you wake up feeling fuzzy from a pleasant dream. And when you meet the brilliance behind the work you truly understand that a bit of her soul is shared in every piece.

Mouart is created by Mou, a Calgary / Toronto based artist. The name “Mouart” was born from a combination of her name and her passion, a simple title looking into immensely talented work.

Mou started drawing when she was very young, she is a self-taught artist. She knew she enjoyed the process of creating something out of nothing but it wasn’t until recently she realized she had a talent for art. As an adult, while working in the professional world, she continued to practice her passion and decided to put it out there on social media for the world and, unsurprisingly, she now has a huge fan following for her talent. In the short time, Mouart has gained a platform, she received opportunities to work with big and small brands.

Mou produces art in all forms, she does traditional art using acrylic, watercolour and oil to create her surrounding landscapes. She does sketching and ink illustration for fashion designs and portraits. Recently she has taken up digital illustration, using a drawing tablet to create an amazing collection of artwork. Her work has been used for advertising, weddings, filters and logos.

Sketchbooks are one of the best ways I can spit out creativity running through my mind
Sometimes art is inspired from just being outside and the environment I’m in
Lot of different clients show their support of my artwork by requesting unique Mouart wedding portraits. Each illustration is created specifically for the couple/people who like to be transformed into a world of almost whimsical digital versions of their special moment.
My work space majority of the time when working in digital illustrations
Working with TV shows and different brands with my artwork and having the opportunity to be sponsored. This is an art illustration and history book of Leonardo Da Vinci. This I’ve received for the promotion of the show “Leonardo” with Sony Entertainment.
Creating phone cases for any model of phones with Mouart
I enjoy working on big Canvases in an open area. I would want my own studio someday where my art can bloom and I can splatter as much paint around but for now, this is my happy art space.
Working with digital interior design for based clients who like to fill their home with Mouart on their wall. This is a sample of the type of artwork that can be bought as original or commissioned to suit clients’ own vision for their space.

Which ‘hood are you in?

I’m currently in Toronto, living and breathing art here. Everything about this city emits inspiration for a colourful artistic mind. Being between the beautiful natural landscapes of Calgary and the city life of Toronto, it really does influence my artwork.

What do you do?

I work for healthcare but my art is right up there with it. I have vast clientèle from all around the world who request for commission work of my art. So both are my full-time jobs

What are you currently working on?

I’m working on a few projects at the moment. I have a book in the works, just working on the illustrations and content of what the book would cover. There are various little independent projects I am currently focused on, we just have to wait and see for what comes out of all of it.

Where can we find your work?

My website is in progress but for now, most of my work can be found on my main Instagram account @mouchoaa or my art account @Mouartt.

I’m just an email or dm away from your next project 🙂




About Demian Vernieri 752 Articles
Fistle Media - Managing Editor Demian manages our writers and makes sure our content schedule stays in tact. He ensures our guidelines are met and relays information between our teams to help things run smoothly.