Toronto Comedian Gillian Bartolucci and The Weight of It All

Our latest featured Toronto comic is Gillian Bartolucci who has a solo show The Weight of It All at Crow’s Theatre as a part of the Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival. We got a chance to chat with the comedian about the show and comedy in general prior to her performances.

Gillian Bartolucci
Gillian Bartolucci

How would you describe your comedy style?

I think I go character-based a lot. I work with one thought or premise of what I believe to be true, and I heighten that as far as it can go. I also enjoy packing a lot of words into sketches, which I later regret when learning my lines.

Who are some of your influences?

Hmm… I’ve probably learned the most about comedy from working with Carly Heffernan. She directed The Weight of It All, and is currently the Artistic Consultant of Second City Toronto. Working with The Sketchersons has also taught me about sketch writing and introduced me to wigs… a sketch can always be saved with the right wig. I can admit that my family is funnier than I am, they just never ended up doing comedy. I find a lot of influence in things that aren’t directly related to comedy. Lately Andrea Gibson’s poetry really inspires me when it comes to vulnerability and wordplay. I also watch a billion documentaries which are great for developing characters, and generating premises. Other influences would be growing up in Hamilton, and listening to a lot of music.

Who was your favourite comedian growing up?

I grew up watching a lot of SNL during the Will Ferrell era. I watched a lot of The Tom Green Show. Had a Jack Black and Tenacious D phase. I would stay up very late to watch South Park. I watched Sarah Silverman a lot. And before I started doing comedy I was obsessed with Russell Brand. Honestly, still am.

Who is your favourite comedian now?

Probably John Mulaney. I’ve been listening to the Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend podcast and having a great time. And Jenny Slate is just a pure delight.

What is your pre-show ritual?

Freaking out in my home.

What is your favourite place you have performed? Why?

I think Comedy Bar. I’ve been there every Sunday for the last 5 years performing with The Sketchersons. It just feels like home.

What is your favourite medium for listening or finding new comics/comedians?

Podcasts! And just using my feet to walk into a show. Fringe Festivals and Sketch Comedy Festivals (like Toronto Sketch Fest) are great for seeing a lot of comedy in a short amount of time. I’m always excited about watching new comedy.

PAY IT FORWARD: Who is another local comic/comedian we should know about?

I’ll say two! Marshall Lorenzo and Emily Richardson. They’re both in The Sketchersons and have a duo Jovani. Marshall might be the funniest person I know, and Emily Richardson is a laugh riot. One day I hope the three of us will be on some version of The Real Housewives.

Tell us a joke.

Marrying your cousin isn’t as bad as it seems. If it doesn’t work out, you can still be cousins.

Do you have anything to promote right now?

Yes! You can see my solo show The Weight of It All at Crow’s Theatre as a part of the Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival. Here are the dates:

March 12th 9 pm
March 13th 7 pm
March 14th  9 pm

Also I’m currently nominated for Outstanding Solo Performance in The Weight of It All by My Entertainment World. So maybe vote for me?

Where can we follow you?

Socially Media generally makes me anxious, but you can find me on insta @haggardb.



Buy tickets to TOsketchfest and see Gillian Bartolucci, please visit the Crow’s Theatre website.



About Joel Levy 2620 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography