“A Day in the Life” with Toronto creative Caitlyn Sponheimer

Caitlyn Sponheimer was bit by the creative bug at a young age. Not only did she perform in most of her high school productions, but she also wrote original skits and plays that she performed at St. Francis High School in Calgary Alberta. After graduating, Caitlyn decided to pursue her dreams south of the border.

At just 17 years old, she enrolled at the esteemed Neighborhood Playhouse School of Theatre in New York City that hosts alumni such as Gregory Peck, Mackenzie Davis, Diane Keaton and Robert Duvall. She was asked back to attend their second-year program – where only a third of the student population are asked to return. After graduating from The Neighborhood Playhouse, Caitlyn spent four more years in New York City, further pursuing her love of acting. While in New York, Caitlyn worked on independent films and was a voting member of The National Board of Review.

After New York, Caitlyn decided to return home to Canada to further pursue her aspirations in film. She moved to north Hollywood and quickly began a career in Toronto. Caitlyn has worked on television productions such as Amazon’s The Boys, and Global’s Nurses, as well worked in a number of video games. All the while writing original works on the side. It was in her 3rd year that Caitlyn met Warren Sulatycky in Toronto and she was cast as the lead role in his feature film April in Autumn. During pre-production, Caitlyn began to work closely with Warren and jumped in on helping to finish the script. Her work on April as lead actress and writer further promoted her career as an independent filmmaker.

April in Autumn was featured at Cannes Marche du Film under the Best of Canadian Cinema, Caitlyn further pursued her own writing and directing aspirations. Her writing and filmmaking style is more Tarantino and Edgar Wright. Her writing tends to live in heightened realities and the comedy sneaks up in the most darkest corners. This stylized writing has earned Caitlyn credit as a legitimate filmmaker. Her first short film, Kitty’s Naughty Knickers, which she wrote, directed and starred in, premiered in August 2019 at the Oscar Qualifying Film Festival, HollyShorts in Los Angeles. Kitty’s Naughty Knickers continues making the festival rounds and has inspired attention toward a feature. Her work on KNK earned her a Director’s Guild of Canada nomination for Best Short Film.

While Caitlyn lives in Toronto and works around the country, she does still find the time to go back home to Calgary. Just this past summer Caitlyn once again worked closely with Warren Sulatycky, producing and acting in the new feature Jasmine Road, a story of a Syrian family who immigrated to the plains of western Canada and their struggles assimilating with a cowboy culture. As an actor, writer, producer and director, Caitlyn has proven that she is a female force that can wear many hats – and we can’t wait to see which one she puts on next!

Biography written by Brittany Drisdelle

Caitlyn Sponheimer
BTS of Jasmine Road filming in Calgary, Alberta
Caitlyn Sponheimer
Love a good night with friends doing something fun.
Caitlyn Sponheimer
Snowboarding on Christmas vacay, taking a break from the artsy world to cruise down some mountains.
Caitlyn Sponheimer
A painting of mine which explores the influences from the outside affecting our own vision of ourselves; a thought to remember – not everything given to you is yours. This is how I love to spend alone time, inhaling fumes and creating something.
Cuddling a dog – this is how I spend 95% of my time despite not owning a dog myself.
Premiere of “Kitty’s Naughty Knickers” at HollyShorts in LA.
Travelling around Australia and eating ants… “gotta bite them before they bite you” said the guide, I did just that.
BTS of the cast and crew from Incendo’s “Secrets of the Sisterhood”, the photobomber is the lovely, talented and inspiring Toronto actor Lisa Berry.

What ‘hood are you in?

I live in Bloordale, near Dufferin, over a restaurant and there used to be a club next door, which is gone now. So on weekends there would be this sound coming through the floor, sometimes me and my roomies would sneak out the back door and down the fire escape and try and get in through the alley entrance…we could’ve just gone through the front I guess…right Britt?

What do you do?

I am primarily an actor and writer, but I also produce, and most recently I directed my first short film, which was nominated for Best Short Film by the Director’s Guild of Canada…which I am thrilled about! I also love to travel and paint, both as a form of escape (or therapy perhaps), so whenever I have the time and money I try and do those things.

What are you currently working on?

I just wrapped the feature film, “Jasmine Road”, I was a supporting actor in the film and produced it as well. So I was out in Alberta for four months on that, which was beautiful. Now I am taking my short, “Kitty’s Naughty Knickers” around film festivals and am in development on a feature.

Where can we find your work?

The best place to find my work would be IMDB, for a more personal look at my life my Instagram is @thespon . You can also come out and see “April in Autumn” in theatres this fall ’19, more information for times and dates at www.aprilinautumn.ca In Toronto it is playing October 18-24th matinees and evening showing at The Carlton. Other dates in Calgary, Montreal, and Vancouver can be found on our website and Facebook page! Thank you all for the support!


About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography