Meet Toronto Musicians: Night Vision

Name: Night Vision
Founded: 2012
Number of Albums: No full albums—yet!
Latest Release: “Fulkart” on Bad Pony Records

Short Bio:

Toronto’s interwoven, artistic community is known to fuse talents in peculiar ways as seen in Pavel and TJ of the duo Night Vision. This is why the question, “How did you first meet?” goes without a clear answer.

Conceived in 2012, the pair quickly established themselves as a strong team among the thriving dance music culture in their city, where they make regular appearances at venues including CODA, Parlour, Cabal, and the Electric Island concert series.

Night Vision’s energetic style pairs warm, atmospheric melodies with hypnotic, driving rhythms that fire up dance floors. It is this sound that has recently taken them beyond their hometown, performing in Montreal, Vancouver, The BPM Festival, and the SXM Music Festival in St. Martin.

Night Vision

Latest Single: “Fulkart” on Bad Pony Records

Favourite Restaurant:

Pavel: County General

TJ: Joverse

Favourite Bands As Teenagers:

P: Nirvana, Radiohead, Pink Floyd

T: The Strokes, Interpol, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Favourite Band Now:

P: Caribou

T:  Joseph of Mercury

Guilty Pleasure Song:

P: RAF – Self Control

T: Wham!  – Everything She Wants

Live Show Ritual:

P: Take a shower and a have a drink

T: Listen to the exact opposite genre of music that’s about to be played

Favorite Local Artist:

P: Gera

T: Moscow Noir

Sneaky Dees Nachos, Hey Meatball’s Spaghetti, or A Superfood Salad from Fresh?

P: Fresh

T: Sneaky Dees

Queen Street or College Street?

P: Queen Street

T: Queen Street

Trinity Bellwoods or High Park?

P: Trinity

T: Trinity

EP or LP?



Early Bird or Night Owl?

P: Night Owl

T: Early Bird (immediately following being a night owl)

Road or Studio?

P: Road

T: Studio

Swiss Chalet or Roti?

P: Roti

T: Roti


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About Joel Levy 2609 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography