Just Socks Foundation’s 2017 Emergency Sock Drive seeks $100,000 target

The registered charity Just Socks Foundation is looking to provide socks for Torontonians in need this winter through their sock drive and fundraising campaign.

Just Socks Foundation - Sock drive and fundraiser

Socks are needed all year round and regular donations aren’t enough. As one of the most sought after articles of clothing, Just Socks Foundation has tackled the issue with their mission to help cloth those in need.

How they operate is simple.

-Collect online donations
-Purchase socks in bulk
-Provide socks directly to qualified partner charities/shelters

Just Socks Foundation has partnered with several partners in the GTA to provide to those who need socks most. On Friday Feb. 3, 2017 they hosted the #socks4the6 big sock drop where 38 local GTA charities received 40,000 pairs of McGregor socks.

Just Socks Foundation’s cash goal of $100,000 is already more than half way with $60,000 raised so far having just passed the halfway mark of their timeline which ends on February 15th, 2017. To understand how much your donation helps, for every $20 raised, 25 pairs of socks are delivered. Now that is bargain.

Just Socks Foundation - Sock drive and fundraiser

Just Socks Foundation has partnered with the following groups.

Agincourt Community Services Association
CAMH Gift of Light Program
Canadian Red Cross
Covenant House Toronto
Egale Canada Human Rights Trust
Evangel Hall
Fred Victor
Good Shepherd Refuge Social Ministries
Habitat Services
Haven on the Queensway
Helping Hands Street Mission
Jane Alliance Neighbourhood Services
LAMP Community Health Centre
Light Patrol
LOFT Community Services
Margaret’s Housing and Community Services
Markham Missionary Church – Street Connection
New Circles Community Services
Northwood Neighbourhood Services
Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre
Queen West Central Toronto Community Health Centre
Salvation Army Gateway
Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities
Sherbourne Health Centre
St. Felix Centre
St. Paul’s on the Hill Outreach Backpacks
St. Stephen’s Community House – Corner Drop-In
Street Health Community Nursing Foundation
Syme Woolner Neighbourhood & Family Centre
The Scott Mission
Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre
Truth for Teens (From the Ground Up Projects)
Ukrainian Canadian Social Services Toronto Inc
Unison Health and Community Services
Weston King Neighbourhood Centre
Woodgreen Community Services
Wychwood Open Door



Just Socks began in 2014 by donating to charities in Toronto and they plan to expand across Canada as they grow. For more information on the sock drive and fundraiser, visit their website.



About Joel Levy 2634 Articles
Editor-In-Chief at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography