“A Day in the Life” with dancer and choreographer Mafa Makhubalo

Mafa Makhubalo is a true artist if my definition of “true” is valid. Being his partner, I had the privilege to observe his artistic work. By doing so, I learned the definition of what might be a “true” artist!

First, he has unlimited creativity, which seems to work best in free space and time. Okay, what I am trying to say here is that he creates an unimaginable and inspiring space and time through his projects. He lives, shines and flourishes in his production. However, he is not good at putting dishes in a dishwasher (yeah, they are really bad). According to him, those baskets with separators make him more confused than empty space. So, I learned that a “true” artistic creation comes from empty space and does not like to be restricted!

Second, he has a profound philosophy in his creation. His production is full of fun with sending a message of seeking a pluralism of knowledge production, which has been historically devalued. I learned that “true” art is a knowledge transfer. His production leaves some kind of messages to the audience’s inner thoughts. Once you get to see his productions, I believe you will understand what I am trying to say here!

Tree from the park trails when I take a walk.
Mafa Makhubalo
Visiting the Nelson Mandela exhibition, The Exhibition for Everyone Who Refuses to See the World in Black and White, at the Meridian Arts Centre.
Mafa Makhubalo
My daughter taking a photo of her shadow.
Going to the spiritual healing caves in South Africa to connect with my ancestors
My friend’s home pet in Cuba.
Lunch during my Cuba visit as a guest teacher for a summer dance festival.
Mafa Makhubalo
In my Zulu Traditional dance costume.
During quarantine, my daughter explored her make up creation.


What ‘hood are you in?

I live in Mississauga, near a beautiful lake with trails and lots of green nature. It’s peaceful and always connects me with my birth home memories.

What do you do?

I am a dancer and choreographer with my own dance company Mafa Dance Village.

What are you currently working on?

I recently performed a solo work commissioned for Fall For Dance North called Dialogue with DNA. It premiered as part of the dance festival’s Signature Livestream Program on Oct. 3 and is available for viewing until Oct. 18. You can buy tickets at ffdnorth.com.

Where can we find your work?

On YouTube (Mafa Dance Village) and at mafadancevillage.dance.



About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography