CONTEST: Win $5,000 from Think Turkey with Your Holiday Recipe

Think Turkey wants Canadians to “Tok Turkey” to them in the lead up to the holidays through the Turkey Tok Holiday Challenge.

Think Turkey, the organization that represents the Turkey Farmers of Canada, is giving away $20,000 in cash prizes for the best Turkey recipes across the country. Four winners will be selected across four categories, winning $5000 each. The categories are:

• Best Brine/Seasoning

• Best Turkey Cooking Hacks

• Trendiest Turkey

• Best Turkey Leftover Recipe

You can enter the contest by uploading a video of your recipe to TikTok and tagging @ThinkTurkeyca. Enter by Dec. 18th.

For full contest details, please visit their website HERE.



About Joel Levy 2637 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography