“A Day in the Life” with Toronto Creative Suvendrini

It would not be enough to say that Suvendrini wears many hats: she must have many heads, each, no doubt, with its own hat or two. Or perhaps many brains. Because for Suvendrini it is indeed a question of brains – or ‘the brain’. This is one of the strongest threads that connects Suvendrini’s many projects and practices. As a practising Neurologist Suvendirini has for many years devoted herself to the care of the most forgotten and marginalized; as a playwright, she has devoted her creative practice to the exploration of the relationship between historical trauma and neurological and psychiatric illness, between political and social forces and the suffering of individuals. Her scientific knowledge very obviously informs her writing, but her writing is also clearly a form of experimentation and exploration. In her beautiful and complex work which bridges the domains of science and art, Suvendrini is constantly exploring what is known and chasing after the unknown.

And indeed, Suvendrini spends a lot of time chasing: after Luna, her magnificent Husky who has disappeared on an unannounced hunting expedition in the woods; after the soccer balls that have been fired her way by her talented 12 year-old son. We who are lucky enough to know Suvendrini, however, don’t make the mistake of trying to chase after her. Instead, we excitedly wait for an invitation to one of her always beautiful and thought-provoking productions.

Suvendrini - This is a press photo of Allan Louis, who plays Franz Chauvet in Here are the Fragments. The photo was taken by Dahlia Katz.
Suvendrini – This is a press photo of Allan Louis, who plays Franz Chauvet in Here are the Fragments. The photo was taken by Dahlia Katz.
Suvendrini - Relaxing with Luna.
Suvendrini – Relaxing with Luna.
Morning walk in high park with Luna. Behaving very well at the moment!
Morning walk in high park with Luna. Behaving very well at the moment!
Having Lunch with my Umma Sujatha Lena at the Theatre Centre Cafe. Liza Paul is the amazing manager and animator of this vibrant community space.
Having Lunch with my Umma Sujatha Lena at the Theatre Centre Cafe. Liza Paul is the amazing manager and animator of this vibrant community space.
Working on publicity for our Famon Symposium at my favourite writing spot Hannah's cafe on Bloor overlooking high park. Iris named the cafe after her grandmother Hannah. It's the perfect spot for baked goods, salads quiche or sandwiches .jpeg
Working on publicity for our Famon Symposium at my favourite writing spot Hannah’s cafe on Bloor overlooking high park. Iris named the cafe after her grandmother Hannah. It’s the perfect spot for baked goods, salads quiche or sandwiches .jpeg
Suvendrini - Taking in the beautiful immersive set of Here are the Fragments at The Theatre Centre.
Suvendrini – Taking in the beautiful immersive set of Here are the Fragments at The Theatre Centre.
Suvendrini - Rehearsing with director leah Cherniak and lighting designer Shawn Henry on the set of Here are the Fragments.
Suvendrini – Rehearsing with director Leah Cherniak and lighting designer Shawn Henry on the set of Here are the Fragments.


What ‘hood are you in?

High Park

What do you do?


What are you currently working on?

Staging Medicine, a project using theatre to enhance creativity and resilience in medical residents.

Where can we follow you?

(…I don’t really have any social media handles…)





About Joel Levy 2638 Articles
Publisher at Toronto Guardian. Photographer and Writer for Toronto Guardian and Joel Levy Photography