Province Apothecary’s holistic approach to skincare

This holistic skincare company based in downtown Toronto is glowing in attention not just locally but across North America. Everyday people like you, and I, beauty editors from established media outlets, are interested in learning more about what’s new natural beauty products and what works. The approach at Province Apothecary isn’t just about using the finest ingredients that are sustainable, natural, organic, ethically and as locally sourced as possible, it is also known for its holistic approach and coming full circle in educating their clientele.

Founder Julie Clark began crafting her own natural skin remedies after struggling with eczema and allergies. She studied holistic health, aromatherapy, and esthetics while researching and creating skin care with natural ingredients in small batches. The philosophy is to take care of individual needs. While the line has hoard-worthy products like the Hydrating Rescue Balm, Moisturizing Oil Cleanser & Makeup Remover, and Sleep Well Wellness Roll-On, it is the customized blends used in treatments in-house and serums are created by hand that drew me in.  My skin is sensitive and I react not very nicely to many drug-store beauty products. This level of personalization is cherished like gold.

Province Apothecary's holistic approach to skincare
Province Apothecary

Luminous Light Therapy Facial is the newest treatment offered at Province Apothecary’s Clinic located around the corner from its brick and mortar shop.

Each facial treatment comes with an initial assessment to see what would benefit each person’s skin the most. The Luminous Light Therapy Facial follows the clinic’s standard protocol assessing the skin and discussing main skin concerns before getting started. The facial treatment begins with a cleanse, lymphatic drainage, as well as using the jade roller before the light therapy begins. A facial massage helps to enhance circulation and blood flow. Then the LED light therapy mask is used — about 20 minutes on me. The LED light microcurrents use a combination of blue, red and green lights to address various skin concerns. Blue is known for anti-inflammatory proerties to bring down redness in the skin and also great for helping acne-prone skin. Red is more stimulating that helps to enhance collagen and elastin in the skin and helps with fine lines and wrinkles, and evening out skin tones for a bright glowing complexion. The Green light is also great for calming redness and inflammation. All three lights are used on each client but in different combinations and concentrations depending on individual skin concerns.

Who would benefit from this treatment?
Typically the client who comes in for this kind of support is someone with  sun damaged or aging skin, acne-prone, rosacea, or has skin looking and feeling a little dull. It also benefits those with scars. The energy from LED light encourages and stimulates your skin collagen and elastin -what is needed for our natural ability to repair and rejuvenate. Over years of damage and exposure to the sun, it’s just not that easy for our skin to repair itself as it once did.

How often is recommended?
Fran, one of Province Apothecary’s holistic nutritionists and skin therapists, suggested every four to six weeks for someone like me to notice a significant difference in dealing with fine lines and to maintain an overall healthy complexion. She explained going regularly would help my skin appear more energized and will help with collagen production. Fran also explained that because there’s no downtime with this facial treatment it’s also ideal great before big events like weddings.

But the treatment doesn’t stop there, they follow up with tips on how to incorporate a holistic skin ritual at home. A natural facelift ritual doesn’t require any gadgets – just your fingertips. All explained on their site. They introduced me to the Daily Glow Dry Facial Brush that I could use as part of my daily routine. It’s nothing fancy but the ethically crafted beauty tool they tell me will help activate the lymphatic system for overall healthier skin.  Now as soon as I wake up, it’s now become part routine – like brushing teeth.

Province Apothecary's holistic approach to skincare
Province Apothecary

After trying out all sorts of different devices and programs for skin care it was refreshing to find a more simplified way to take care of my needs on a daily basis.  I look forward to waking up before every else to start my day in this very peaceful way. I’ve been doing this for two weeks now and won’t stop.

Province Apothecary ‘s shop is located at 1518 Dundas Street West.

Province Apothecary Clinic is located around the corner at 1554 Dundas Street West (Entrance on Sheridan Avenue).



About Sonya Davidson 971 Articles
Senior writer. Covering arts & culture, wellness, food, travel and special events.